칠 : day 2 pt. 3

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"jieun-ah," jungkook softly broke the silence. i didn't want to speak, so i just looked up at the tall, pale boy.

"since it's around lunchtime, my father will be home soon." i furrowed my brows for a quick second, wondering why he'd be sharing this information, and what the importance is. i switched the foot i was standing on, waiting for more than just that.

"so?" i managed the get out.

"so, i want you to meet him." instantly, i felt my hands shaking. i thought all about the negativity. he could have the exact same views as his mom, frowning upon me like i'm a scum. this is exactly what i'm afraid of.

"but, jieun.. he's not the only one joining us at the table." i felt a little suspect after jungkook said this. who could it be? no, it can't be. anxious to know, i asked,

"well, who?"

"lee seora."

    out of all the people, her? i just remained calm, as calm as i could possibly be, inhaling and exhaling through counts of 5.


    was all i could say at this point. i don't really need to ask to know the answer, but i still want to hear it.

"my mom... she-she wants seora to bring up her offer once more."

    "her offer?"

    again, i did not have to ask to know. i believe jungkook knew that too, as he didn't respond. there was an audible sound of a car pulling into the driveway, followed by the sound of a car door shutting.

"uh, i-it's my dad."

    i immediately grew nervous, since the day before i had not met him. i was more concerned whether or not he would judge me in the same manner as jungkook's mother had. jungkook then started heading back into his room, before turning around.

"jieun-ah, are you coming?"

    he motioned me over as he asked, but i didn't budge. i couldn't, because i wasn't prepared for an encore of embarrassment. jungkook heaved a sigh, before coming back up to me and grabbing my hand. i felt slight comfort, but even that wasn't enough. we walked through the long halls and into the dining room, where satan herself sat, chin up high and a smirk plastered on her perfect face.

"ah, jungkook!"

    seora exclaimed, as if she hadn't just seen him a few moments ago.


    i just looked down, clutching tighter onto jungkook's hand. it was just seconds when i heard an unfamiliar male voice gradually getting closer.

"lee seora is visiting? good,"

    the voice said, entering the dining area. i was finally able to connect the articulation to a face -- jungkook's father. immediately i dropped jungkook's hand and bowed, a deep 90* to show my manners. from the sound of it, he seemed surprised.

"oh, oh, and you must be ahn jieun!"

    i heard his footsteps rush towards me as i raised up. we made eye contact, and he stopped his walking.

"wow, jungkookie? you were right; she's beautiful."

    i was taken aback, like 20 steps back. i heard the awkward cough from mrs. jeon and the soft gasp from seora. i couldn't help but blush, sheepishly grasping jungkook's hand softly in mine.

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