The Darker Part of Grey

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With a loud crack the large double doors to the old meeting hall opened up and underneath the mezzanine Mira came out walking with heavy steps that echoed throughout the immense room. The large marble pillars holding the mezzanine ran along edges of the rectangular room and carried big torches. On the other side of the hall a wide set of stairs led up to the upper part of the room. The descending sun shinned through the large windows at the top of the stairs and behind them a small balcony overlooked the inner courtyard. An oval ebony table occupied the centre of the room, around it a matching set of chairs. High up in the ceiling three shiny crystal chandeliers were hanging peacefully.

It did not take long before small orbs of fire overwhelmed Mira. She protected herself with a magic barrier before quickly taking cover behind a pillar. The glass that did not shatter on impact melted and dripped towards the floor. As more fireballs came crashing on her position she could feel how the marble slowly broke down on the other side. Jerrod waited at the bottom of the stairs with both his hands raised and Mira knew she would not be able to protect herself magically if she went out in the open. He was a much stronger and more experienced spellcaster than her.

"We don't have to fight, Jerrod!" she yelled once the fireballs stopped coming. Her coarse voice echoed throughout the chamber.

"And what do you suggest that we do?" the old man yelled back before releasing a large ball of fire. Mira felt the impact through her back and almost fell forward. She had no good answer. The man had already sent a dozen soldiers to their death. In an attempt to capture her; surely he would not just let himself be taken down.

"How do you know that Archibald have not tricked you?" her words echoed in the large hall and when the dissonance died out there was nothing left but silence.

"He would never do that." Jerrod seemed sure of it.

"You know nothing, Jerrod. You cannot trust delusional men..." Mira said coldly before taking a step out in the open.

In an attempt to close the gap between herself and her foe she blinked forward. In a cold rage she let go of a shockwave that made Jerrod fly several feet back. An old chair muffled his fall and he quickly got up only to discharge a ray of fire towards his opponent. Mira blinked up on the mezzanine above her head and hid behind a pillar.

"Just give up, Miranda! You cannot win this."

"Mayhap you are just in denial?"

Just as the words hit the air another projectile tore Mira's cover to pieces and she was forced to throw herself to the ground. Another blazing ray destroyed some of the balustrades and she hurried to the next pillar. If he continued the destruction at this pace the whole wing would come crashing down on them.

Knowing that Jerrod was on his guard, Mira jumped of the railing and just as another ball of fire came her way she blinked down to the ground. She raised her hand towards the man in front of her. He was prepared however and did the same. Only a heartbeat later the two flames met each other half way. Jerrod was the stronger mage and Mira was forced to end her spell by flashing behind her opponent. She kicked him in the back but just as he was about to fall he teleported away.

With a sudden panic Mira turned around only to notice that Jerrod now was on top of the stairs. The sunlight hit her. She put her arm up and looked away. Something was wrong. She looked up into the ceiling and saw how one of the giant crystal chandeliers came crashing down only a foot to the right. Not having enough time to do anything she turned the other way and held her left arm up to protect the side of her head.

The chandelier gave away an ear-splitting crash that echoed long and loudly against marble. Broken pieces of glass scattered everywhere and Mira could feel how the pieces cut and shredded her skin. When the echo diminished she blinked away only to hide behind yet another pillar.

Waiting for Spring - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now