My Solemn Contrite

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I have been to the walls of darkness.
Yes, I took delight in the lifeless events.
Born with the rules of life yet my thoughts transgressed.
And the white garments of my actions, was touched with the black stains of my intents.

I have seen the tears of the souls my actions imparted wrongly.
Those tears that could have been wiped with a single care.
Those eyes that got to see nothing but my version of hostility.
Crippling the able structure of their arguments and placing them in a wheelchair.
And to my ill doctrines I made them forswear.

Little did I remember to turn on the headlights.
For the dark road I journeyed on had a turn to a light field path.
For my vessel nearly broke down, that was when I heard a directional shout of a place I can get a wheelwright.
A place I can also take a rejuvenating bath.
For I have grown to believe in a man called Jesus, which has given me an hindsight.
For it is Him who can intercede for my soul's escape from GOD's wrath.

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