Stay With Me Dear Lord

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Lord, please speak, through the words I assemble into a thought.
Make my pen and paper a pulpit.
That through my writings YOUR ways shall be taught.
Adorn on me the priestly garment.
And let YOUR love for this world be all what my writings will represent.

I dedicate my hands to YOUR voice.
I present myself as an intermediary.
Say YOUR words to me, that it shall be told to the girls and boys, as well as the elderly.

Let the world see through my words, YOUR unending compassion.
The love YOU have shown to the righteous, as well as the sinful faction.
For I have been unfaithful before.
And YOUR forgiveness has been what I memorably adore.
Who am I to walk around without YOUR presence?
Now YOU gave me a Christlike mind of morality and I pray for a continuous Christlike mind of adherence.

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