A New School, A New Friend

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(Eve's POV)

"Eve? Eve dear, open the door." My mother pleaded while trying to push the door open. I quickly hid in my closet, shaking intensively at the though of going to school. It's even the 1st DAY!

"CRASH!" The door went flying as my mother used her psychic powers to open the door wide open. My mother is an Espeon named Sonya. She was followed by my father which was an Umbreon named Neon.

"You are going to school young lady! Whether you like it or not!" My mother demanded.

"NO! I'LL GET BULLIED AGAIN!!" I shouted hiding my face on the clothes that were next to me.

"Eve, I just washed those..." My mother said looking disappointed. I actually didn't care if these were newly washed, I just needed something to hide my misery in. My mother used her psychic powers to lift me up out of the closet with my uniform. She quickly changed my sleeping clothes into my school uniform and put me down instantly.

"Go downstairs if you want to eat breakfast." My mother said walking down the stairs as I slowly followed her.

After I ate, I packed the things I need for the 1st day of school and put on my eye glasses. I slowly made my way towards the door as my mother opened the door for me.

"Have a good day sweetie!" My mother shouted cheerfully as I gave her an awkward slight smile. I hopped on the school bus and walked around to find an extra seat. I atleast saw one un-occupied seat at the back portion of the bus. The people in the school bus were going crazy but I didn't mind it. Female Pokemon have been stampeding on a Pikachu which seems to be very famous. I envy the life of a well-known person, they are always loved by the people who supports them, while I'm just a lonely nerd that no one even wants to become friends with. I looked down and having the thought of having no friends around for the rest of your life.

Soon, we have arrived at the school that my parents had enrolled me in. I started walking my way towards the door and recieved my schedule from the school's office. The first subject I was going to be in was math.. Yes! My favorite subject! I know most people don't like math that much, but I think it's a very nice subject. I went to my classroom and I sat to an empty chair on the corner of the room. I felt lonely so I decided to just read a book. The bell rang for the first period of class. Other Pokemon are starting to come inside of their classrooms. 5 minutes later, our teacher had finally arrived.

"Okay class, we have a new student today, Eve would you like to introduce yourself?" Our teacher asked politely as all heads turned towards me.. Yep, just what I expected..

"Um.. N-No thank you.." I replied shyly as I turned my head from all the attention.

"Oh okay then.." The teacher said turning towards the chalkboard and started writing some equations. She told us to open our books to Page 33. We did what we were told to and as I did, I saw many female pokemon staring at the Pikachu I saw earlier. I'm not jealous or anything, I don't even know him, it just seems.... Cringy.

-After Math Class-

After math we had Recess. I went outside of the school and started eating the berries that my mother had packed for me.

Soon, many people were surrounding me. I tilted my head in confusion and just ignored them. They started laughing at me and pointing at me.

"Haha! What a nerd!"

"Look at those glasses! They don't even suit you!"

"I know right! No one would even wear those!"

As more mean comments about my appearance kept growing, tears start to form in my eyes and I stopped eating berries.

"Oh what? Are you gonna cry? Not only are you a nerd, but you're also a crybaby!"


I had enough of this nonsense, I started running away from the crowd as tears started streaming down my eyes and I hid in the back of the school.

(Spark's POV)

I saw everything on what they've done to that poor Eevee. Rage started to fill my veins as I used Iron Tail on the ground to get their attention.

"What the heck is your problem?!" One of the Pokemon in the crowd said.

"No, what the heck is all YOUR problem, tell me what that Eevee even do to you all?! Oh right, she did absolutely nothing! She wasn't even teasing all of you! She was even a new student! And this is how you show her on her FIRST day?! You should be ashamed of yourselves!" I growled feircfully. The crowd went silent after I shouted at them. I blew a heavy sigh, afterwards I went to go search for the Eevee.

--5 minutes later--

I've been looking everywhere and still can't seem to find that Eevee. Then, I heard sniffling and eating sounds. I looked behind the bench and I finally found the Eevee that I was looking for. She turned away, trying to not face me with her teary eyes. I slightly smiled and did my best to comfort her. Then, without a warning, I hugged her.

Her eyes looked shocked when she faced me. I responded with a toothy grin plastered on my face. This action made her smile.

"Hey.. Don't worry, first days are always the toughest. Maybe, someday you'll get to meet lots of friends." I said cheerfully. I mostly befriend FAMOUS people but being friends with an average person is much greater in my perspective.

"Heh, thank you..." She replied as she wiped her tears away.

"Oh, I haven't actually introduced myself. My name's Spark, what's yours?" I asked politely, waiting for her response.

"I-I'm E-Eve.." She shyly said.

The school bell rang.

"I-I have to be heading back to class now, but, it was nice meeting you." She said, smiling brighter than before.

"Okay, see you around!" I said as we seperated ways and I started heading to my class for today's schedule.

(Eve's POV)

I can't believe it. For the first time in my life, someone had liked me for who I was. I smiled at the thought and started to daze off a little. Spark was his name? He really is a nice person...


A/N: Hello everyone, sorry if I haven't been updating my stories lately and it's because of school and lack of ideas so, I'd try to make a new chapter for THIS story every week if I can since summer will almost arrive and my highschool days. So I hope you all enjoyed my first chapter of my first Iconshipping story.

Alright everyone, stay awesome and bye~~~


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