Getting Suspicious

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(3rd Person View)

"DORI DORI DORIMU POWER! DORI DORI POWER!" Eve's alarm clock sang. Eve woke up abruptly as the song was playing in maximum volume. She almost forgot that she had set her alarm clock to wake up early since she is a heavy sleeper. She rose up from her bed and went downstairs. She was attracted by an amazing aroma coming from kitchen. Turns out her mother, Sonya, was cooking a delicious breakfast.

"Hey mom, what's for breakfast?" Eve asked her while plastering a smile on her face.

"Pancakes dear.." Eve's mother replied sweetly. Eve's ears perked up at the sound of "Pancakes" being said, Pancakes are her favorite breakfast.

"Go take a bath dear, you have to get ready for school, pancakes will be done in a few minutes.." Eve's mother chimed.

Eve nodded as a response and headed up to the bathroom and took a bath. Eve then packed the things needed for today then on cue, Eve's mom shouted from downstairs.

"Dear, breakfast is ready!" She quickly rushed downstairs but suddenly tripped on her own foot and started tumbling her way downstairs.

"Oh My Arceus, sweetie are you okay?" Eve's mother said worrily.

"Hehehehe, I'm okay mom, now where's the pancakes?" Eve asked as she went up on a chair.

"It's right around the table.." Sonya replied while giggling to herself while she noticed this silly side of Eve. Eve's eyes then appeared to be sparkling she also seems to be drooling over the pancakes her mother made and then she started to dig in.

"Dear, would you mind waking up your father?" Sonya requested. Eve then pulled up her face from eating the pancakes and looked at her mother with a mouth full of pancakes. She awkwardly nodded and went upstairs to wake up the sleeping father. She then crept up on side of the bed then started chuckling to herself.

"WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY! ONE DIRECTION SHOWED UP!" Eve yelled, almost making the whole house collapse with her voice. And with that action of hers, she successfully woke up her father.

"WHO? WHAT? WHERE? ONE DIRECTION?" Neon, Eve's father, quickly shouted after he jolted out of bed. Eve started laughing at her father's action and after a few seconds she got over it.

"Hehehe, dad, mom wants us to go eat breakfast now.." She said chuckling. Her father just sweat dropped at his daughter's explanation.
He really though that One Direction actually showed up.. XD

They both went downstairs and ate breakfast. After that, Eve got all set to go to her school. Sonya gave Eve a kiss on her forehead before Eve went running to the school bus. And as always, Spark getting cuddled by many girls.. Again.. Eve blew a heavy sigh and went to find an empty seat.

"H-Hey Eve! Over here!"

She turned to see that Spark was calling her over to sit next to him. She got puzzled at first but she then agreed. She sat on the seat that was next to him and just became silent all of the sudden.

{At School}

The students finally arrived to their school and then Spark offered Eve to walk with him and she awkwardly nodded her head. Many fangirls were angered by this, so they decided to attack Eve. An Emolga tried to use Thunder but Eve saw the attack coming so she dodged it and the attack missed miserably.

"Hey! What was that for?" Spark shouted at the Emolga who was now laughing maniacally.

"Hahahahaha, why are you so interested in this Eevee anyway? She's just a no-good Pokemon." The Emolga scoffed.

"Because she has a kind heart and has no jealousy problems! Unlike you!" Spark spatted and gritted his teeth.

"Haha.. Jealous? I'm not jealous.. What makes you think I'm jealous?" She said as she looked like a complete psychopath.

"Yeah, Yeah, like most of my fangirls do is just be jealous!" Spark said as he clenched his fists.

"Why would you hit Eve anyway if you say you're not jealous?!" He shouted angrily. Eve was shocked by how much Spark is doing to protect her. She just kept silent, she doesn't want to be in this, it's just been the 3rd day of school and here she is getting in a fight just because she's hanging out with one of the most popular guys at school. The Emolga stood there being silent. She then turned around and started walking away from Eve and Spark.

"Tch! Whatever.." She said as she rolled her eyes in hate at the two. Eve knew she didn't have anything to say because she couldn't answer Spark's angered question.

"Sorry about that.." Spark apologized as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Hm? What are you sorry for..?" Eve asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"I'm sorry that I got you in fight just because of my stupid fangirls.." He said while chuckling in the process. Eve couldn't help but just smile at his laugh.

"It's okay.. It's not your fault being the so-called "heartthrob" of the school.. That's just fangirls being fangirls.." She said.

"Anyways, the bell's going to ring soon.. We better get going to class.." Spark told her, then they started walking towards the classroom since they have their first subject together.

A dark figure then appeared, looked as angered as can be. The figure clutched the knife it was holding. The figure then gritted it's teeth but then someone tapped on the figure's shoulder.

"Hey, why do you bring a knife to school..? Isn't that illegal?" A Fennekin said while being confused yet scared at the same time.

"Uh.. It's for um.. Cooking Club.. Yeah.." The figure replied as it's lips formed a smile.

"Oh.. Okay..?" The Fennekin started walking away from the figure. She started getting suspicious about the figure and started asking herself lots and lots of question. The figure then stepped out of the shadows and it seems to be a..

Wait for it..


(Congrats to one of you who commented that guessed the figure was Buneary, good job..!) :3
Congrats AlissaMontero1
And thank you for commenting :p

The Buneary then started to walk to the class Spark and Eve was in as she started to put away the knife in her back and ended with a devious smirk..

"Watch out Eve.. You'll never know when I'll get my hands on you.." She said as she laughed maniacally.

"Hey! Shouldn't you be in class?! Your laughing is too loud Missy, can't you see I'm trying to teach?!" Ms. Aria (Meloetta) shouted as she pulled her head out of music class with an angered expression.

"S-Sorry Miss Aria.." The Buneary apologized as she continued walking towards the class..


Hey guys, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter of "You're The Only One For Me" and by the way don't forget to leave a comment, a vote or even a follow! Follow me and I'll follow you back! Not forcing you though.. :p

Anyway guys, Peace Out! :3

- ❤Melxia_3300

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