Bullet Journal

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It was a warm, sunny day, some weeks after school had started again. Tyler held on to his notebook; he sat on the rooftop, cheerfully dangling his feet of the edge whilst he wrote some words into his journal. He was cheerfully eating a lollipop, his doe eyes fixed onto the paper with his nice handwriting; he was writing anything down he had done that day, a bright, cheerful smile emerging from his face. He suddenly spotted light red hair on the school grounds, realizing that it was his upperclassman, the one that he has met some weeks ago, and it took him a few moments to flip his pages back to remember his name; Josh. Right under the name he had written a little paragraph about how they met.

The day was cloudy and thunderstorms raged, but Tyler didn't mind. He walked into school with his usual floral pettern shirt and ripped jeans, wet to the bone from the rain. He just laughed it off and took out his bullet journal from his backpack, writing down the day's conditions. He accidentially bumped into some people and just smiled brightly, almost shouting out a cheerful "Oh, Sorry!" However, the tall boy's eyes narrowed.
"Oh look, what have we got here? Faggy is how you look." He snatched the book from Tyler, but Tyler didn't even frown. He kept smiling, however, he seemed obviously nervous. The two upperclassmen started passing the book, throwing it above the smaller boy. "Oh come on boys, give it back to me!" he chuckled and tried to reach for it a few times. He hid his worry and angst behind a smile. After a moment, he saw a musculous, pink haired boy appear behind one of them. "So you think this is funny, huh?" A deep voice spoke out, causing the bully to drop the book. "I- uhm- I-" The both of them quickly left, leaving Tyler with his savior.
"Oh man, thank you!" Tyler exclaimed as the pink boy gave him his journal back. "My name's..." he thaught for a minute. "Tyler! Tyler Joseph." "I'm Joshua." Josh held out a hand in a really friendly way, but Tyler went up instead and hugged him, almost breaking the polaroid camera around his neck. "Hey, is it okay if I snatch a picture? I really like photography and you're cool!" Josh nodded, blushing slightly. He wasn't used to such outgoing people. Tyler quickly took a picture and wrote 'Josh' and the date on it. Then he put it in the book he carried.

Tyler stared at the first pic he had ever taken; Josh looked really surprised in it. He had drawn little gold stars on it and small, red, sparkling hearts. He just smiled at it before exclaiming and waving, being so very happy. "Hey Josh! Joshua!" Josh turned around, noticing Tyler waving half off the rooftop, the fifth floor. "Tyler! What are you doing up there? You could fall down!" Tyler just laughed and put his bullet journal into his backpack, halfway jumping off the building. Then he dangled over to the 4th floor window, jumped over to a balcony, and finally landed on a tree; then he slid downwards.

Josh just stared in awe. "The heck?" he whispered out, walking over to the taller but fragile boy. "Tyler, what the hell was that?" Tyler shrugged, snapping a picture of confused Josh and putting it into his pocket. "I didn't feel like walking downstairs, ahah!" Josh just shook his head and put a hand onto Tyler's fluffy, brown hair, thousling it. "Man, I got scared for a second. It looked as if you were going to kill yourself by jumping off the school building." "Jo-... Josh, I know what I'm doing!" Tyler exclaimed happily, feeling his heart beat speeding up at Josh's touch. Tyler knew one thing; he was madly in love with this guy. But how to tell him that if he couldn't even remember him after 4 days of not seeing him?

    "Hey Ty, do you want to head to Taco Bell for lunch?"
The name screamed at him. He nervously smiled, exclaiming "Let me just check what I have next class, okay?" He opened the restaurant section in his journal, quickly finding his favorite was chalupa and finding a picture of the place. "Yeah, sure!" He then exclaimed, cheerfully following Josh off school grounds. He made little jumps inbetween his steps, looking over at Josh sometimes. He sometimes even remembered some stuff without looking it up, and it made him really happy. It seemed that his Anterograde amnesia was getting a little better.

    Tyler sighed, biting into his chalupa. He sat across the table from Josh, whom was eating a burrito. Tyler couldn't help but laugh at watching the tough seeming boy struggle eating it, with sparkly, squinty eyes and rosy cheeks which fit the bright pink hair. Tyler decided to snap a picture and put it down into his bullet journal, adding a couple of stickers, the time, date, and how he felt really happy. Josh just watched him a little curiously but in the end decided to shrug it off. Sometimes, Josh would wonder what was on Tyler's mind and in Tyler's book, but everytime he looked into the boy's curious doe eyes he felt a little happiness drizzle from his heart.

    "Hey, Josh?"
"Yeah?" Josh snapped out of his daze-like state, smiling anew.
"Would you- would you go watch a movie with me sometime?" Tyler's eyes sparkled with hope; he knew he wasn't going to remember anyting of it but he didn't mind. Really all he wanted was to spend time with Josh and well, make memories worth remembering. Josh's eyebrows raised, causing Tyler to chuckle nervously. "If you're to busy, you don't have to. I can just go by myself." Josh then laughed before eating the final bit of his burrito. "Man, I'd love to! You're great so why not go watch a movie?" Tyler giddily swung his feet beneath the table, fixing that tomorrow afternoon after school, they'd go see Deadpool. He wrote it down carefully, putting sparkly stars around the date. Josh just quietly stole one of Tyler's chalupas while he wasn't watching, but he was also happy about it.


    Tyler looked up from his book. The bell had rung a moment ago and he was going to go out with... Josh, Josh, and that without even looking. He was going to go out with Josh today. It took him a moment to remember some details about him, so he squinted his eyes, faintly seeing pink hair and moccha eyes in front of his inner eye. He got up, clinging to his bullet journal; surprisingly, he was a really good student. The amnesia didn't seem to affect any of his scholar learning and it kind of cheered him up. He ran downstairs, almost tripping, excited to go see... a movie, a movie, he checked it, Deadpool, with his crush.

    When he arrived in front of school, Josh was already waiting.
"'Sup, Tyler" He exclaimed, flashing him a squint-eyed smile. Tyler fanboyed just a little before smiling back just as brightly. "Hey Josh! Let's go!" Josh laughed at Tyler's excitment as Tyler grabbed his wrist, starting to walk. He checked on his map where the movie theatre was, quickly finding his way along the shopping street. Luckily, they had enough time to buy candy and drinks for the movie and quickly found their places before the movie started, sitting kind of close to eachother.

    Sometimes, Tyler would look over to Josh. Josh seemed very focussed on the movie, sometimes laughing a little bit too loud at some jokes. At one part, Tyler snapped a picture of it, without flash of course, and just happily wrote into his notebook once more. He put little hearts around the picture and when he looked back up, his eyes met Josh's. He looked away kind of awkwardly, but Josh had already taken the book off his lap, and just then, the movie finished. Josh flipped through the pages, raising a brow.

    "I uhm- I uhm- I can explain" Tyler stuttered out, but as he started to panick with a smile, Josh just squeezed his hand. "It's okay," he almost whispered, smiling. "I like you too." Tyler seemed a little upset; he was afraid to tell Josh about his amnesia, afraid to be left. However, it felt like a weight had dropped off his heart as he heard Josh's confession; He just smiled really cheerfully and hugged Josh. "R-really?" he finally managed to stutter out, not because he was scared, but because he was so very happy and excited. "Really, Tyler." Josh chuckled, carefully placing a kiss on Tyler's forehead, holding both of his hands.

    "Oh please, I think you missed the spot!" Tyler exclaimed, leaving Josh a little confused. Tyler just leant in and gave Josh a gentle peck on the lips, causing the other's face to turn a gentle red colour before giving a small peck back. Some girls were clapping in the background, some guys yelling 'get a room, man!' But Tyler couldn't care less. He snapped another picture of Josh and quickly wrote all of his thoughts into his bullet journal, leaving them crumbled and overwritten, but he was just so overfilled with joy.

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