effy stonem • fingers

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"why do you have to act like a massive bitch, i know you're not really like that!"

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"why do you have to act like a massive bitch, i know you're not really like that!"

you yelled at effy angrily. you felt so much for her and thought that she was really wonderful inside and deep down. on the outside, however, she put on this act that was really horrible. she wanted everybody to see her as a party girl, who drank, took drugs and slept around but you knew that inside she wasn't really like that. she just wanted to be loved but couldn't see when people wanted to love her. 

"nobody knows shit about me." 

she replied casually, pretending that what was going on didn't bother her like she did with everything. she was actually reeling, hiding her feeling of sadness that you were angry at her but wanting to make you distance yourself from her because the two of you were getting too close. 

"fuck you." 

you told her tiredly, feeling done with her and everything that came along with her companionship. she didn't reply, instead she put two fingers into her mouth, bringing them out so that only one was up in the air and aimed towards you. 

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