Chapter 1- New School

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I caught a lift with my 3 brothers to our new school, King's Arm. I was dreading it since we moved to America a couple of weeks ago from England and I was already missing all my mates and now my long distance boyfriend. My brothers' names are Mason, Kai & Liam. Mason is 18 years old while K&L are 17 since they're identical twins. They're both slightly tanned with blonde hair and blue eyes while me and Mason are tanned with brown hair (mines ombre) and hazel eyes. I'm 16 years old but our Mum, Dad and the police spoke to our school and told them the circumstances which allowed us 4 to have ALL the same classes. We thought is made more sense to go in the middle and be in year 12 which is K&L's year. Great I'm in a year higher than I should be, this is going to be fun..

Mason pulls the car up in the school's parking lot and gives us a speech that we've heard many times over. " Guys keep your heads down, we can't draw attention to ourselves for Alessa's sake. Kai & Liam, I know that you guys don't want to but neither do me and Less so please don't become "popular" like we all did at our last school. We need to be more cautious."

"Yeah Mas we know, anyway do we go straight to class or.." Kai speaks up.

"Yeah it's Science first lesson in room SC12" I said while we all jumped out of the car and started walking through the car park to the entrance.

While we we're walking up the front steps to the school I felt dozens of eyes staring at us but it doesn't affect any of us because we're use to being the centre of attention at out old school. There's no modest way to put it, it's just a fact. Anyway, once we entered the school the bell rung so we made our way up the stairs to SC12.

Once we got to class we all sat at the the row of 4 at the back, on the  left so I could sit near the window. M&K&L started to introduce themselves to some boys while I checked my phone for messages. Nothing huh, Chase hasn't text me in 2 days. I started to drift into my thoughts about him when I was interrupted by a gorgeous boy who had brown hair, blue eyes and a tan."

"Hey, My names Aiden. Your brothers told me that your names Alessa. That's a beautiful new name to me," A Hollywood smile appeared on his lips but I just stared in his eyes and for a moment. Alessa what are you doing, you've got Chase. I stopped staring and pulled myself away from his mysterious eyes. I think he felt that too because once I pulled away he just stared at the table with an even wider smile on his face.

"Hi, yeah it is. Thank you by the way. Nice to meet you Aiden," After that we spoke for around 5 minutes before the teacher walked in but I didn't pay attention to him. Aiden invited me and my brothers to sit with him and his friends at lunch, which we agreed to. Aiden isn't modest so he came straight out with that him and his mates are the most popular in the school which kinda made Mason weary but we told him not to worry.

"Good morning everyone, today we have 4 new students which are... all siblings. what? Um okay, would you like to introduce yourselves," Spoke a husky male voice. I didn't pay attention though, I just stared out the window to the nearby woodlands. I heard Mason stand up and introduce himself along with his age which confused some of the class. I could hear most of the girls also whisper about him and things you would never want to hear to be spoken about your brother that probably also happened to K&L but I zoned out until I felt Liam nudge me indicating that it was my turn.

I slowly stood up and spoke "Hi, my name is Alessa Woods and I'm 16 years old from England," After I sat back down, I took my first glance up at my my teacher who was staring at me non-discretely which made me feel a bit uncomfortable but I stared back. We both pulled away from the intense stare at the same time. "Well, um.. It's lovely to meet you," He spoke to me to more than to my brothers. "I'm Mr Jones and I'll be your Science teacher for the rest of the year. If you have any questions, please feel free.. and come.. ur ask them," Mr Jones went red and the class just laughed at him, while my brothers and Aiden in front just gave him death stares. Thank god, I thought it was just me but.. now we all know that Mr Jones is attracted? To me.. oh god what did I just think?! Of course the most gorgeous person I have every laid my eyes on doesn't feel ANY attraction to me and especially my teacher!

After class finished, I started walking out when I heard..

"Miss Woods, you forgot your jacket," which caused me to turn round but once I finished turning around I almost bumped into his muscularly chest. I blushed a shade of crimson while I slowly moved my head up to his. I'm 5'6 and he's around the same height of Mason who is 6'5. He smiled at me while tilting his head downwards to face me. He had grey intimidating eyes that show no emotions and light shade of brown hair but seem so black at the same time.

"Thank you Mr Jones," I smile while I take my jacket from the arm he's holding out towards me. The first time I saw him he was slightly nervous but now he seems very masculine and dominant. Which now makes me nervous.

"No problem, see you in class tomorrow." He smirks. As I walk out through the door I feel his eyes burning through me.. maybe at my bu-. No Alessa of course not.

I walk out to be greeted by my brothers so we can go to our next class, Maths. I hope there's only one hot teacher in this school..I don't know how I handled myself without sweating or even fainting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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