Only Time Can Fix This

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I woke up the next day and looked around my room. It was the same as always but the vibe was off. Something wasn't right. I pushed the thought away and decided to go for a morning walk. I get dressed in a tank top and shorts considering its like 100000000 degrees. Yes, that was an exaggeration don't be so serious. After I am dressed and have a little bit of makeup on I go to find Dad and tell him what I'm doing. "Hey Dad? I think I might go for a walk to like Starbucks or something. Is that cool with you?" He looks at me and nods then speaks, "Only if one of the guys go with you. Also here is some money go to the mall or something. Have fun." I start to turn away but then turn back realizing I had to find one of the guys to go with me. He said that it could be any of them and that it would count as them working still. "Wait so can you take me to the warehouse then?" He nods and grabs the keys. We tell Mom what we are doing and head out. I get out and thank Dad as he drives away. As soon as I enter I hear people goofing off. I laugh and go to find the first person I see. That just so happens to be Bobby. "Hey could you take me to the mall and starbucks? Dad said it would count as you working." He said yeah and Kevin walked in. "I wanna go too!" I said sure and told him that it would count as a workday. I will just have to convince Dad that I needed both of them. Then we left. "So Starbucks or the mall first?" Kevin asks as he gets in the driver seat. "The mall, I want more clothes!" They laugh and tell me I have enough. Soon enough we get there and have fun. Nothing exciting really happened. Starbucks was different though. I felt that vibe that I felt this morning. It was scary feeling. A woman with dark black hair came up to us while we were drinking our coffees and eating a snack. "Are you Zoey?" I nod and ask "why? Id there something you need?" She just pulls up a chair and starts to talk. "Your birthmother is trying to get you back. I am her lawyer. She said she never wanted to give you away and that you ran from her." I just stare at her "Bobby, Kevin, take me home to my Dad please." We get in the car and I realize I am crying. Bobby is in the back so I decide to climb back there and snuggle up to him real close for comfort.

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