Akuma and Exorsist

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Allen walker was sitting in a graveyard late at night, it was cold and the moon was bright and full not a cloud in the sky. He was sitting next to a grave with a cross as the head stone. The cross had the name mana walker on it, this was Allen's foster father, the only one that accepted him with his deformed left hand. He had been crying for a while and hadn't slept or eaten. You could tell by the bags under his eyes and how his stomic would rumble. As Allen was deep in thought the earl spotted him. "Hello little boy why so sad?" Allen looked up and stopped crying. He saw a huge man, the man had a big smile, a nice white suite and top hat. "W-who are you sir?" The man was surprised that the boy was polite, but nevertheless answered. "I'm millennium earl, what's yours?" "I'm Allen, earl sir." "Well Allen as I asked before what is it that makes you so sad?" "Mana he died." "Would you like me to bring him back from your despicable (sp?) God?" "How?" "It's simple" the earl began as he snapped his fingers and the scenery changes to a red sky, with gray clouds, and a skeleton that has blades for hands. "All I need is for you to do is call his name." "That's all?" Questioned Allen with disbelief. "Yes that's all." Stated a surprised earl as no one had ever doubted him before.

Allen walked to the skeleton and yelled while looking to the heavens "Mana!". A flash of purple lightning was his answer as the name mana was etched into the skeletons for head. "A-allen?" Questioned the newly made akuma. "Mana!" "How could you Allen, how could you make me into akuma!" M-mana?" "Akuma I order you to kill this boy and wear his skin as your own." Ordered the earl.

The akuma ran at the child but instead of killing he sliced the left half of Allen's face. "I curse you Allen, I -" the akuma never got to finish the curse for Allen's left hand destroyed it. The earl saw what had happened but decided to let the boy live. As the earl left Allen just stared at the pile of ash that was his foster father blaming himself for the whole incident. Allen slid his line of sight to his left hand, and his expression turned from sorrow to anger.

As allen was engrossed in figuring out a way to remove his arm, a man watched and started to walk to the boy. Allen heard him coming and looked to be a man in a yellow jacket with a box on his back and bandages covering the lower half of his face. "Hey kid you wanna be an exorcist?" "Exorcist?" "Yes exorcist for you have Innocence in your left hand." Stated the man as he got close to the boy. "No I don't." Said allen as he turned away from the man, a move that would prove tragic.

The man didn't like what he heard so he took this chance to grab the boy and take him back to the headquarters. The boy struggled but to no avail.

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