Finally free

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~Some years later

Allen was now 15 with his white hair matted and knotted down to his mid back. He had many scares to show, and was only skin and bones now. The general (Allen learned that his name was Leverrier) that appeared the first time kept coming, and asking the same question to join or be tourtered every day. As always Allen would say 'never' but with a few volger words added. Allen never stopped trying to escape. During his attempts he found that if he pulled just a bit more the chains connected to the wall would fall out. But he had to bid his time for the next torture session. Allen was surprised sometimes when other exorcists would visit, but Allen would only be strictly polite to them. The guests were Lavi, Kanda, Krory, Miranda, the book keeper, Kamui and sometimes Jerry would come to his sell to sneek food to him.

As it would happen Allen had just woken up from a loud noise and flashing lights. As he became more coherent  he saw it was the emergency lights. He wondered what was happening as this had never happened before. That was one of the exorcist came in and opened the door to the cell. Allen noticed it was not Leverrier. It was the one that had taken him to the order.

So Allen pulled the chains as hard as he could in his current state and the chains finally gave way. This startled the finder just enough that Allen tackled him. Allen slammed the finder to the ground knocking him out.

Allen then ran out the door like a bat out of hell .... right into the fight of exorcist against the Noah. Allen cursed his luck and ran to find a exit. As he ran he dogged akuma, Noah attacks, and the exorcists' attacks. Allen had finally seen an exit but as he was distracted a sword went through his side.

Allen slowly looked down at the wound, then back up into the attackers face. It was one of the ones that visited him, Kanda. Kanda on the other hand just pulled his sword out and jumped into the fray again, never looking back. Had he looked back he would have seen how Allen's skin started to turn grey around the wound and spread.

Allen started to feel lightheaded and booked it for the exit, ..... only to run into someone else. Allen was much to exhausted with blood loss and fell unconscious into the man's arms. The last thing Allen heard before darkness clouded his vision was " Well well, looks like someone's waking up. Right, boy?"

Sorry I haven't been updating I wasn't on wattpad much, So sorry again.

Can you guess who poor allen ran into?
Tell in the comments k?
Next time: A new home.

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