The punishment

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Dan's P.O.V
As me and my partner, Phil, walk towards our supervisor's office, as he has requested to talk with us, we try to make up with excuses for what we've done.

"What if we say that they had a machine gun?" Phil says as we walk.

"What? A machine gun? Tyler will never believe that."

"Hmm maybe you're right..."

"That's it Phil...", I say looking down, "He's gonna fire us..."

"Maybe he won't, maybe he'll have some mercy..."

"Mercy? Come on Phil... We're a disgrace to the CIA...!"

"You gotta stay positive." Phil winks at me, and I roll my eyes.

We arrive to his office and knock at the door.

"Come in." Tyler answers.

As we come in he gestures for us to sit down, so we do.

"Before you say anything I just wanted to explain that it wasn't our fault!" Phil protests.

"It wasn't your fault?", he starts to speak louder, "It wasn't your fault?!"

"..No..." Phil answers, and I can notice by his tone that he's a bit scared.

"Oh so you're telling me that it wasn't your fault that you let two criminals, that we've been looking out for months, get away?!"

"Um.. Ok sir maybe it was kind of our fault..."

"Kind of?! It was totally your fault!!", Tyler shouts, "And it's not the first time you two let a criminal get away!"

"I know sir... And we're incredibly sorry, but please please don't fire us." I say, almost begging.

Tyler stays in silence for a few moments, "I won't fire you..."

"Oh thank you so much sir!!" Phil says and I just sigh of relief.

"But....! You will be punished."

We both look down, "It's fair I guess...", Phil says.

"For the next month you will be working in the night shift in the security room."

"Oh come on-" Phil says but I cutt him off, "Alright sir... Excuse us."

And with that we leave the office.

"I guess it wasn't that bad huh?" I say as we walk.

He rolls his eyes.

Cuffed by love - Dan X readerWhere stories live. Discover now