Lazer tag and promises

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Dan's P.O.V
I'm walking towards the park.

I can see that Y/n is already there, "Nicely done Dan..! You made her wait!", I think to myself.

She's wearing a short red dress, and her lips and slightly painted of the same tone of red from the dress. (Sorry if you don't wear dresses or makeup) and oh boy does she look beautiful.

"Hi!", She says.

"Hey", I reply quietly.

I start walking and she does the same.

Silence takes care of the conversation, which makes it a bit awkward.

I try my best to come up with a good conversation topic, but fail.

We arrive at the restaurant and sit at a table.

"So... I know we both are thinking the same so I'm just gonna say it", she says, "...This is a bit awkward..."

Although I feel the exact same thing I pretend like I don't, "Awkward? Why?"

"Oh come on... Our situation makes this awkward."

"What do you mean "our situation"?"

"Well y'know... You're a cop.. and I am.. well the opposite."

"Oh.. yeah right..."

The silence falls upon us again, "Listen, how about this? Let's promise not to talk about our "business" when we're together, ok?"

She smiles, "Alright then."

~~le time skip~~

The rest of the dinner was quite fun. After the promise we made the mood kind of softened up.

We're now standing in front of the restaurant's entrance.

"So where do you wanna go now Dan?"

"I was thinking that maybe we could go to a lazer tag? I mean we don't have to if you don't like the idea..."

"Are you kidding me?! I love lazer tag! Let's go."

I chuckle, "Good, come on then", I say starting to walk.

~~le time skip~~

Your P.O.V
The P.A system blares out and I dash off to one side.

I duck behind a wall and peek around the side. I catch sight of Dan and smirk. He has no clue I'm here.

I slowly move out and get closer to him before aiming at his glowing red vest.

I giggle and shoot him just as he turns around, "Damn it Y/N!", he shouts before running off to hide again while he regenerates. It's a three second way before he can shoot again.

I loose his sight and look around.

I hear footsteps behind me and whirl around, running into a gun aiming right at me.

I raise my hands into the air, "Ok ok I surrender, I surrender!!"

He chuckles and smirks at me, "Please have mercy on m-", I'm cutted off by the pew pew of a gun firing against me, "Hey!! Merciless bitch!", I say, sticking my tongue at him.

~~le time skip~~

Twenty minutes of running, shooting and yelling later the round is over and we walk out off the arena panting. Well I'm panting... Dan seems to be perfectly fine. He obviously won me...

"How on earth aren't you dying..?" I say, breathing a bit heavily.

He shrugs, "This is nothing compared to the CIA's trains."

I chuckle, as you both leave the game center where the lazer tag is.

It's already quite late, and you really hate walking alone through the dark streets of London, "Um hey Dan?"


"Do you mind walking me home...?"

"No, not at all."

"Thanks. It's just I really don't like walking alone at night."

"No problem. I just thought you didn't want a CIA agent to know were you live.", he says, smirking slightly.

I nudged him, "And I thought you and me had promised not to talk about our "bussines"."

"Riiight... Sorry."

As we walk through the cold streets I feel a chill running through my body and shake a bit.

Dan notices and takes his jacket off, offering it to me, "Thanks", I say smiling.

After walking for some minutes, me and Dan enter my neighborhood.

As we approach my house I stop, "Hey um.. you can go now, I can make the rest of the way for my own, my house is just around the corner."

"Are you sure? Because remember, when we're together I'm not a cop and you're not... the opposite."

Part of me knows that I can trust him, but the other part doesn't really know... Besides what if Jc or the others see him? I can't risk that.

"I know, but it's fine, really, you can go."

"Ok then.. I'll go...", he smiles at me but I can tell he's disappointed.

I smile him back, although I know his smile is a fake one, "We'll talk later."

He nods.

We stay in silence for a few seconds, but for me it fells like a veeery awkward eternity.

And now what? Should we just say goodbye? Should we hug? Or should we... kiss?

"So... um... do you wanna hug?" Dan asks, looking down at his feet. I find his shyness adorable.

"Sure", I answer smiling, and a bit relieved.

I and Dan hug for a bit.

Once he let's you go, I continue my walk home, and so does he.

Cuffed by love - Dan X readerWhere stories live. Discover now