Chapter 4

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Louise's P.O.V

"Come on guys hurry up!" I said to the three of them whose attention are still on the soldiers training outside the garden.

It feels like it's been forever since I last visited here. I remember the previous mission queen Henrietta gave us was a bit boring. I hope this one will be exciting.

We passed the hallway with many guards on each one of the columns. At last we've arrived at the huge door. Inside is the throne whom queen Henrietta awaits.

"Halt! Wait is your business with the queen?" the guards asked us after they have blocked our way.

"The queen asked our presence today. Here's the proof if you want?" Kirche told them while handing out the letter of request to us.

As soon as the guards have read the letter, they quickly opened the door.

There inside, queen Henrietta sit. When she noticed us she smiled. I'm very happy to see my best friend again!

"Ah! Saito, Louise. Oh how long I've been wanting to see you" Henrietta said happily.

She head towards me and I recieved a hug. All I could say was "Ah!"

But, I almost forgot she's still the queen. I better show some respect!

I kneeled down and bowed my head saying "Your highness. I'm sorry for the rude manners" My other comapanions kneeled down too.

"It's okay. Lift up your heads" she said.

"We've arrived as quickly as we can for the urgent mission you have for us" I said with such enthusiasm.

"Yes. I'm deeply troubled by this" the queen let out a deep sigh.

"What is the matter?" Kirche asked her.

"I have received news about a mysterious case in the Town of Iroha. There was a sacred cave being protected by the villagers. Inside that cave was a shrine for their patron. It was called 'The Shrine of Theia'. Many people visits that shrine for their wishes to come true, but few days ago the said people are mysteriously missing without any clue" the queen told us in every detail.

"I want the four of you to help me solve this problem. I don't want this to reach the neighboring countries, for they might be troubled by my way of governing" Henrietta said with a face that tells that she really trust us in this mission.

"We will gladly help you your highness. Leave this matter to us" Kirche said with a reassuring face.

"Saito" the queen called my familiar. "I hope that you will try your best to protect my dear friend Louise"

"Of course Ma'am" he replied.

"And Louise. Be sure to come back safely with your friends" she looked at me, Kirche and Tabitha whom presence was low.

"I wish upon the founder Brimir that all of you will be safe in your journey and return" the queen raised his hand to bless us.

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