Chapter Five: Shared

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It was far too early the next morning when one infamous Oikawa Tooru burst into Koushi's flat. An annoyingly common occurrence for both Koushi and his roommate, who was visiting his family and wouldn't be back until the Monday. Lucky him. He didn't have to deal with this sort of thing until then.

Technically, it was Koushi's fault. He must have forgotten to lock the door last night, but, in his defence, it was past three in the morning before he and Kei pried themselves off of the sofa and collapsed on their bed and futon respectively.

Unfortunately for Aki, he had camped out on the sofa (Koushi didn't have enough space in his room to fit Aki and didn't know his room-mate well enough yet to let Aki sleep in his room while he was away) and had, therefore, been less than five feet from the door when Oikawa came crashing in. So, he fell off the sofa. Unsurprisingly, it hurt.

"Look, dude, it's too early for this. What are you doing up at such an ungodly hour?"


"I'm not an 'it'." Aki tried to be as indignant as he could while trying to be amicable and not look like a burglar. All while half-asleep and sporting impressive levels of bedhead. "Can you chill out for, like, two seconds? Let me wake up or something and then I'll explain who I am to you. No need to wake up everyone in Tokyo."

"KOU-CHA- oof!" Oikawa was cut off as Aki pulled his leg and he came crashing to the floor. He gave Aki an indignant look, which was met by tired, unfocused eyes, and went to stand back up but got tangled in the blankets that had fallen with Aki off the sofa. He opened his mouth to start yelling again but an index finger was smushed against his lips; Oikawa tried to glare at the offending digit, but it's rather hard to glare while your eyes are crossed so he just looked very confused.

"Shhh... mornings are for sleeping." With that said, Aki fell back onto a pillow that fell with him, asleep.

Seeing that there was no way to get out of this situation, Oikawa did the only logical thing: stole a blanket and fell asleep next to this complete stranger.


It wasn't until Koushi yawned his way out of his room and into the kitchen, with Kei following reluctantly behind him, that Oikawa even stirred again.

"Mornin'." Koushi stifled another yawn and Kei mumbled what could have been a greeting.

Oikawa sat straight up. His eyes were suddenly open, as though he had been injected with caffeine, and he sprang to his feet, moving over to Koushi as quickly as was possible in such a small apartment and with far more energy than should have been possible for someone who was out cold a few moments before.


"Shhh... Tooru, you're too loud for mornings. Why are you even here anyway? I don't remember letting you in..."

"You left your door unlocked again. BUT THAT'S UNIMPORTANT! Kou-chan, there's a stranger on your floor."

"What? Where? I can only see Akiteru-san. But why is he on the floor?" At this Aki sat up and looked over at the two students.

"I fell when Oikawa-kun came bursting in, screaming your name, or what I assume was your name, and trying to wake up half of bloody Tokyo. Then I couldn't be bothered to get back on the sofa and fell asleep on the floor."


"Stop shouting, Tooru! And he plays volleyball so he's probably seen you in a magazine before... or Kei might have mentioned you."

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