Part 3

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22nd September 1990

"There you are!" a familiar voice sounded behind us. I turned to see Buzz, Kurt and Krist walking over.

"Guys, this is my friend Dave I told you about", Buzz said, introducing his friend to the band. They start talking about the show and music and it was kind of awkward standing in on someone else's conversation.

"We should let you guys get to know each other, thanks for a great show", I say putting out my cigarette.

"No way," says Krist, "We wanna get to know you girls too, right Kurt" he says jabbing at his friend.

Kurt is back to the guy from the night before. I get it. I always feel exhausted after a show, its like you have two personalities. A stage you and a 'you' you.

"Well then, let's go out," Tiger suggests, she stared hard at me and I took this as a signal she liked these guys. And I guess I liked them too.

Buzz decided to stay and pack up, leaving the five of us to head down the street.

We arrived at this grungy dive I'd only been to a couple of times before. It smelled of weed and there was definitely something growing on the walls but the beer was cheap and we didn't feel like walking any further. We ordered some drinks and sat on the couches in the back, smoking and drinking.

A lot of alcohol later, we were all cracking jokes and it was nice to see Kurt smile for the first time. It was like seeing the sunshine after the clouds had suffocated the sky; and his eyes were the bluest skies of all. Shit. He was kinda cute. "Are you staring at me?" he asked. Shit. Again.

"Errr..." my brain was too drunk to think of a witty comeback.

"Hey Kurt have you told her yet?" said Krist leaning in, a little too close.

"Told me what?" I asked, glad we could change the subject.

"Told you how he was so nervous to meet you yesterday he threw up. All over me."

"Hey, shut up man," said Kurt, fake punching his friend. I just laughed along and continued drinking.

Even more alcohol later, Dave wanted to show off his drumming skills to the guys. He grabbed two handfuls of straws from the bar and started banging them on the table and our half empty glasses. It sounded pretty bad but he put in such a drunken effort it was very impressive. "You're hired!" said Kurt, and we got another round of beers to celebrate.

An hour later the bar closed and we all stumbled out into the street, still laughing about some stupid joke someone told. Dave decided to go back to the garage and find a ride with Buzz or someone. We said goodbye and he gave the guys his number, so they could meet and practice. We realised there was no way we were driving home when we couldn't even walk in a straight line, so Tiger invited Kurt and Krist back to our apartment. Krist shouted "Hell Yeah! I'll race you there!" and ran off down the wrong street. "Umm, should we go after him?" I asked Kurt. "Nah don't worry he'll work it out" he said.

Krist did find his way eventually, straight onto our couch. I gave him a blanket, but he was already snoring. "Kurt you can sleep on my bed and I'll share with Tiger."

I walked to Tigers bedroom door and she suddenly opened it, "I think not," she leaned in to me and whispered "he's fucking adorable," and shut the door in my face. Jesus, she wanted me and Kurt to... I mean he was cute. But we'd just met??

"Oh... well Kurt..." I started.

"It's fine, I'm used to sleeping on floors," he took the blanket I'd given to Krist and settled down on the hard, wooden floor. I looked down at him, "don't be stupid, there's enough room."

I sat on the bed and rolled a joint, "come on ya punk," I gestured for him to sit with me and eventually he shuffled over.

We just sat there cross legged, passing the joint and talking about life for an hour more. It was a simple moment, and I was glad I could share it with him.

"Ya know, Kurt, I'm lucky to have met you," I said. He just smiled.

 He just smiled

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