Part 4

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28th September 1990

"Watch where you're going asshole! I dropped all my shit," some poser ran in to me from across the street and made me drop the hoard of records I'd borrowed from work. You know the type of guy I mean, with a $50 flannel shirt and pre-ripped jeans. So edgy. What a douchebag he didn't even stop to help me pick up my stuff. This was not my day.

I carried on down my street with my records under by arms, I hope they weren't broken, 'ugh, what a dick', I thought to myself. Damn, I had an attitude today, must be the weather, I was always miserable when it was cold.

I made it back to our apartment block and up the stairs. It was an open stairwell and there were always junkies at the bottom by the laundry room. They never bothered us, but it freaked me out sometimes seeing them look so wasted. I got to our door, 221B, and was greeted by Tiger comforting a crying Polly on the couch.

"He. Said. I. Wasn't. *sniff* P-p-pretty enough..." sobbed Polly. I gave Tiger a look and she lead me to the kitchen.

"Jason dumped Polly, she's really bummed out," whispered Tiger. Polly wailed from the living room.

"Jeez again?" Polly and Jason were always breaking up and getting back together. He was another typical douchebag guy, he didn't love Polly, and only went out with her for one thing. Sex. He cheated constantly and used women like they were disposable. Polly on the other hand was infatuated with him. She was in love with the idea of being in love and this also meant Jason was constantly breaking her heart. I went to Polly and held her by the hand.

"Polly. Look at me," her eyes were red and swollen, Jesus Christ I wanted to punch that guy for hurting my friend. He was an asshole and I was so pissed off Polly couldn't see it. "You are a beautiful, strong woman and we love you so much. You don't need him. I know you feel like it's the end of the world, but honey, it's not healthy to stay with someone who doesn't care about you." She continued to cry, man why did people put themselves through relationships. "I know you want your fairy-tale ending, but what screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it's supposed to be. Darling, he was no prince charming."

"Wow, was that from a poet or..." said Tiger.

"Socrates actually."

Polly dried her eyes, "Thanks guys. I just. Ugh, why am I the one feeling bad. He should feel bad for treating me like shit."

"That's my girl." I said. "Now, are you going to sit here crying all night or you gunna come out, have some fun, and make that waste of space regret he let you go. Put some lipstick on, pour a drink, and pull yourself together. We're going out."

"Who needs men when you can have a.... Ladies night!!" Tiger shouted.

We drove out of Capitol Hill to find a bar or something. I didn't really want to go out and get drunk, but I also didn't want to spend my Friday night listening to Polly crying and feeling sorry for herself. Was I a bad friend? Probably.

It had just been one of those weeks, you know. Kurt said he would call me after he left, yet here we are. He seemed so nice, and I know it's cliché but he wasn't like other guys. He wasn't like Jason. He cared about me and what I had to say. When we talked, he listened and didn't just wait for his turn to speak. I know I don't need a guy in my life, but he was cool, and yeah, I guess I was hurt he hadn't called.

"What if we don't get in?" Polly asked from the backseat.

"What? Why wouldn't we get in?" I replied.

"We're not 21, what if they ask for ID?"

"Polly they won't ask for ID. Besides, we're women, just show some skin and you'll get in."

"Ha! That rhymes", said Tiger, "Just show some skin and you'll get in!"

"Just show some skin and you'll get in!" Polly started drumming on the back of my chair as we all chanted. "Someone write this down, this is gunna go platinum."

We arrived at a bar downtown. We could hear a band performing from the outside, so we figured we'd check it out.

"Can I see some ID?" shit. This ugly fat man with a big ol orange shirt stood between us and the door. No one gets between us and a ladies night. "ID??" he asked again.

"Oh sure," I said reaching into my pocket. I didn't have any ID, we were only 19, but he didn't know that. I swung my other hand up, smacking the guy in the face, giving us just enough time to run past, leaving him wondering what the heck just happened.

The band was so loud, but awesome. We ordered some drinks and started dancing to the music. I say dancing it was more drunken jumping and shaking my head so my hair flew around everywhere. I know I looked like a mess, but I didn't care. I got lost in the crowd and the noise, but out of nowhere a face stood out in the wave of people around me. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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