"Staying Strong..."

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I am a warrior. Each warrior has their own story, their background. But no need to get into that. Just know that I'm broken. And I've been brought down. My heart has been crushed and destroyed into millions of tiny pieces. But each this I come back stronger. Nothing can truly hurt me. Stick and stones can break my bones, but your words do hurt me. They do the damage, but it's not the first, second, or even third time. I have to keep strong, knowing something good is going to  eventually happen. So again, I am saying that I am a warrior, and nothing will completely bring me down. 

I wrote this poem in 7th grade (2016) and I added to it this year (2017). I was in a bad place, and I didn't know what to do. I have to thank my best friends for staying by me and helping me. Thank you for reading my poem "Staying Strong..." 

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