Chapter one: Exploring the Not so Unknown

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You took a long look at the old animation studio down the street. It had been abandoned for so long. No one even knew who owned the property anymore. It was just left there to sit and rot over the years. You had been thinking of going in there for years, but something about the old place always kept you away. According to an article you read on wiki, all of the workers went missing and no ever found them, but hey, who can trust wiki. Something about tonight made the place feel...different...anyway you quickly decided to yourself that tonight was the night. You were going in that studio. You jogged up the stairs of your house and packed your bags.

you ran out the door and sped down the street in a way you only did when you heard the word fries. You stopped when you made it to the front gates of the studio. You pulled at the gates. They were chained shut. "aww man!" you said in frustration. You looked around the building to see if there was an entrance. That's when you saw it. A hammer. You guessed that people have tried to get in previously, but failed and gave up. You have played enough video games to know that when someone else has failed, they obviously did something wrong. You took the hammer and violently hit the chain on the front gate. nothing. "What is this thing made of, determination!?" you said to yourself since everyone else was asleep. You hit it a few more times and eventually, the chain broke. You pushed open the gate and entered the building.

You took a deep breath and walked forward. You smelled something very strange but you couldn't make it out. You took a few steps forward and then it hit you. Ink. And lots of it. It was everywhere. It was leaking from the ceiling and pooling on the floor. "what in the world? what happened here? This is so much more different than I imagined." You said very softly to yourself, in fear of someone listening. "I better look around before I have to leave". You walk the halls for a little while when you spot something. You noticed who he was from the moment you saw it. It was Boris the wolf. One of the characters from the posters. There was something noticeably wrong. His torso was cut open, and he had no insides. "dear god, what was this old man doing?". You heard a noise and quickly turned around to see what it was. You nearly screamed at the sight of the cardboard cut out of the other character you saw. Bendy was his name. You just walked around it and continued further

Hey, guys! so I hope you like this so far. I don't really know if anyone will read this but if you do, THANKS! I will work on this some more if you like it. I know its kinda slow but I will try to get to bendy in the next chapter. please give me feedback that would be amazing! BYEEE~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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