Kicked out

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I hated living here, but what choice did I have? I was an only child born from two people who aren't made for raising kids. My dad would go out and not be back for days, out drinking with his buddies. My mom was always up in her work room, locked away working on whatever.  When my dad would come home when I was younger, I would always greet him with a smile on my face, happy that he was home.  He would walk right past me and plop down onto the couch, watching tv until he fell asleep, then it repeated. 

I had enough when I heard my parents fighting downstairs, I couldn't live like this anymore.  I stomped downstairs when I heard breaking glass, what I saw horrified me.  Both of my parents were covered in bruises and cuts, drops of blood staining their clothes.  I stood there in shock, my body froze up, staring at the people that have become complete strangers over the years.  I had finally found my voice.

"Stop!" I yelled, tears were streaming down my cheeks, "I can't live like this anymore!"  They stopped and turned to me, my mother looked concerned while my dad was seething with rage. 

"Then get out," he growled.  My eyes went wide as I stepped back a little, "Get out!"  My mom stood in between my dad and I. 

"Jarod stop!  She's just a kid!"  My dad shoved her to the side, grabbing my arm.  I struggled as his fingers dug into my flesh, I screamed in fear.  I was thrown outside into the mud, I look back at the house to hear yelling and screaming.  I lived in a city, so maybe I could take a bus far far away from here.  They didn't care about me as much as a parent should have, but at least my mother wasn't mean to me.  I dug around in my pocket and found three dollars in change, I sighed and began my walk to the nearest bus stop. 

When I arrived at he bus stop, I looked at the sign.  It was 3:15pm right now, the next bus was at 3:20pm, I didn't care where it went, as long as it was away from here.  The 3:20pm went to a town known as South Park.  I decided that's where I would go, somewhere where I could settle down.  I would always try to go to school when I lived with my parents, but every day was a living hell.  I would avoid going home by working at a nearby coffee shop, too bad I didn't get the chance to grab any of my stuff before I got kicked out.  All of the sudden, I heard footsteps that were quickly approaching.  I turned around.

"M-mom?"  I stuttered.

"Honey I am so sorry," she cried, "I couldn't protect you."  She had a backpack in her hand, she gave it to me with trembling hands.  "Here's some clothes, hygiene products, your wallet, license, and a butterfly knife.  You have to leave, your dad is coming soon to get me and if he finds me with you, he'll hurt both of us."  I started to cry.

"Mom come with me," I spoke, holding her hand gently. 

"Sweetie, I have to make sure he goes to jail and never comes back, I'll see you again, okay?"  She hugged me close, I wasn't used to this ever since mom started working her ass off day and night.  I missed her so much.  "The bus is coming, South Park right?  I'll find you, I promise."  The bus stopped, but as I was getting on, I felt something sharp slash my cheek.  I turned to see my dad yelling profanities at me.

"Leave my wife alone you dirty mistake!"  He shouted, I glared at him as blood trickled past my lips.

"Burn in hell you bastard!  I hate you Jarod!"  I screamed as the door shut, leaving my two parents behind.  I turned to the bus driver and he sighed.

"Sorry you had to deal with that kid," the bus driver said, I just nodded and went to put a dollar in the box.  He stopped my hand, "Don't, let me do you a favor, you've been through a lot."  I smiled faintly and said thanks, I found a seat by the window.  I plopped down and held my bag close, I hope I can see my mom soon.

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