A new friend

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The bus ride was long and boring, luckily I didn't fall asleep.  Losing anything in this bag will affect how I survive in this new town.  The further we drove, the more mountains appeared.  I drew on the window with my finger, feeing the cold wet glass under my skin. The bus came to a stop as we approached the South Park bus stop. I stepped off and waves at the bus driver, I was officially on my own now. I walked around town, deciding to look for the South Park high school. It was a small town so it was pretty easy to navigate, I asked around and finally made it to the school. It was a Friday and school had just ended for the kids that went there. I walked in to find the office.
I slammed into a rushing person on accident.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I said, helping the boy up. He wore a blue shirt and had blonde hair, the sides shaved. He looked up at me with his blue eyes.

"Oh goodness! Pardon me ma'am!" He apologized. I smiled and held out my hand, pulling him back on his feet. "I'm Butters! Are you new here?" He asked, I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm looking for the office," I replied.

"I can take you there, I walk home so it's not a big deal," said Butters. I followed him to the office, I got a few weird looks from passing students, but I ignored it. When I got to the office, I was greeted by Principal Victoria.

"Hello, what can I help you with?" She said, i cleared my throat and cleared my head.

"I would like to start going to school here, is there a sheet I could fill out?" The principal smiled and dug out a form and handed it to me.  She said I could sit down on the bench against one of the walls of the office.  Principal Victoria let Butters stay with me to give a run down of the school, filling in the details about clubs, classes, students, and teachers.  When I had filled out my name and number along with the rest of the information, I turned it in.  My mother was paying for my cell phone service so I had a way to contact others if needed. 

"Well (F/N) (L/N), welcome to our school!"  The principal spoke, "You can start whenever you feel comfortable, just try to get in by next week okay?"  I smiled and nodded, said thanks, and left with Butters.  Since clubs were only going on right now, the school was pretty empty.  He handed me a school map that he had received from the principal to give to me, she said I will be notified via email when my schedule is situated.  Butters and I became good friends quickly, talking about video games and other activities we enjoyed. 

"You know," the blonde said, "I can introduce you to my friends tomorrow if you'd like?"  I smiled brightly, my life is starting to feel good already.

"I'd love that!  But I gotta tell you a secret Butters..." I mumbled, I was hoping he could help me out.

"What is it (F/N)?"  He asked.  I took a deep breath as I began to tell him everything that had happened.  He looked at me with wide eyes and pulled me into a warm hug.  Tears dripped down my face and onto his shirt.  "You know, you can probably stay with me, my parents are usually generous."  I smiled and hugged him tighter. 

"Thank you so much, I don't deserve someone as kind as you."

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