Chapter 1:'Dungeon'

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I want to shout to the whole world that yes,I'm not alright.But in the end,who the hell cares?-Mirai
I am rich.And I hate it! Why? Because it makes people suffer,it makes people self conscious.And most of all it makes people selfish!

I was once happy with these riches.Too much,but I was a kid back then.Do expect a child to know how to be respectful? I guess I learned that personality from my parents.They were super concered about how rich they were,I never knew they could be like that..

But most of all,It's like living in a dungeon.They want you safe,seriously! Who would want to be trapped inside his/her room for eternity? Well I don't!

My hate for being rich started when I was six.Its because of this boy,he had shining red hair a sweater on and not so expensive jeans.I hated him for no reason,maybe because of his happiness.His smile made me jealous.Why was I jealous?

I just wanted to experience the happiness that he was going through.Why can't I experience it? Why? I kept thinking in my thoughts untill suddenly this boy approached me..

"Hey! Wanna play with me?"

"Why would you think I want to play with poor people like you?..

"--Being rich is soo cool! Why are you so happy about being poor?"

"Im not poor.Im ordinary,you should know how to respect people.Because at the end we are all the same.."

His response threw me off.How is he so educated about this? He looked at me in the eyes,I felt he was confident.His red shining hair shining because of the lights,I was suddenly attracted by his care.He was so reasonable! Yet,why am I trying to fight?

"O-Oh ok.Sorry for saying that.."

I was suddenly changing thoughts.Was being ordinary not so bad? I looked at my clothing and the thought of disgust rose into my head.Why am I suddenly changing perspective on this?!

I walked away.Then,I never saw him again.I wish I did.I was just attracted to his happiness..

I wanted to be close to him.I wanted to experience how he lives,survives or eats.There are so many questions I want to ask.Yet,there are no accurate answers for it because of my father.He is really over protective,he makes his home like a dungeon.

That's what make me disgusted of him,he doesn't have the spirit to explore.Explore feelings,explore the thoughts of others.It makes me even wonder,does he have a heart?

Maybe he was born that way.Never to feel anyone's feelings,or maybe he was taught  not to feel.I am now confused! I always thought these thoughts inside my room.I have nothing to do but to read novels,clean my room or look out the window.

I don't know what to do.I don't know what I want.That is why I'm looking for the answer,but I can't seem to find it! I felt a tear slit down my eye as I wiped it quickly.

I wish I had a friend...

That thought always ran down my brain.I am lonely.What do I do? Pretend that I have an imaginary friend? Im too old for that.I woke up from reality awhile ago,I never needed those friends.

But my dad does make me go to school.That is my only escape from this 'dungeon',I am always happy when I'm at school.What I don't like is fake friends.

I never experienced having a true friend.I know,I am dumb to be even hanging out with those fake friends.But I need someone to express my feelings to!

I guess I was just lonely,I suddenly remembered the smile that I saw when I was a kid.This boy,his smile that made me want to be his friend.I was just drawn to his happines,he can't stop smiling!

I know he's ordinary but its easy that way.I want to be like him! His smile makes me want to also wear a smile,but I'll never meet him.I hid my head inside my knees and thought.

Why did I deserve this life?

There is no particular answer to this.My parents already answered this,

"We are rich because we are born to be! Learn Funneh! You will never be ordinary!"My mom's statement made me cry.Why was she this cruel? Born to be rich? Are you sure?

These questions running down my head.I am always full of thoughts anyways.It was dinner time,the maid called me and waited for me outside of my room.I walked to the dining room and saw a buffet.

Really? What does father want to make me? A fat child? Huh.I ate quickly not showing any manners and ran to my room.I don't need to talk to anyone!

"Funneh! Come back here! You didn't even show any manners when eating your grou--

"I don't need to be grounded! I am always in my room so what's the point?"

I slammed my door and sighed,I guess time to read some novels.I read two novels in one night,I slept as I feel my vision going blurry.I was tired..

Hey Guys! I know I know that I said that I was going to post a chapter yesterday,but when I was typing in the details for this story my ipad went low battery.Ehm! Bye!

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-Ally ❤️

I Want To Be Ordinary.. (Funneh x Alec)Where stories live. Discover now