Ratliff Gets Suspicious

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Ross hates his life.

He repeated this, as well as cursed his luck, in his head as the footsteps got closer. Of course Baxter would send Riker to check on him, the fucking dick.

Ross, deciding that there was no way he was gonna be able to escape, sighed and said, "In here."

He saw Riker's shoe appear in front of the stall door, but that was it. Riker didn't knock, say a word, or anything. He just stood there. After a moment, he spoke.

"Ross, listen to me. I hate this as much as you do, I really do, but think about it. We're talking half our grade here. Pass this and the rest of the year will be easy work and we won't have to talk at all after this."

Ross hated to admit it but Riker had a point. With a heavy sigh, he opened the stall door and, for the first time in months, looked Riker in the eyes.

"We don't stay around each other any longer than necessary, got it", Ross half whispered.

" Got it."

They stood there for a few more seconds before Ross turned away and headed for the door. He didn't care if Riker followed him or not, he just wanted to get out of here.

The day passed and Ross was ready to go home. When he got there, he walked to his room and changed. He slipped out his clothes and put on a pair of sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. As he went downstairs, he heard the doorbell ring and went to answer it.

When he opened the door, he was scared. Ratliff was standing at the door with a serious look on his face. Ratliff being serious was definitely something to be scared of, because Ratliff was never serious.

"Hey Ell," Ross said cautiously.

"There's something your not telling me Ross," Ellington said, walking in.

"What the hell are you taking about, dude?" Ross huffed, annoyed.

"So you are hiding something," Ratliff said getting closer to Ross,"Ross what aren't you telling me about?"

"Its none of your business Ell, so just leave it alone," said Ross, then he turned and went back to the living room.

"NONE OF MY BUSINESS," Ratliff practically yelled,"Ross your my best friend that makes it my business!"

"Ratliff please-"

"No Ross. You've been different ever since we went to that party a few months ago. Then today after we get our partners, you have a panic attack outside the classroom. So yeah, as your best friend I think this is my fucking business."

Ratliff finished and let out a breath, not taking his eyes from Ross.

"You're really serious about this, huh", said Ross.

"Dead serious", said Ratliff.

Ross looked at his best friend, sighed, and turned around. Looking over his shoulder at Ratliff he said, " Alright fine. Come on."

They ended up in the living room. Ross flopped on the couch and buried his face in a pillow. Ratliff sat on the loveseat and waited for Ross to start.

After about a minute Ross sat up, looked at Ratliff with a blank face and said, "I had sex with Riker."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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