2tupiid 2eadweller {A Suicidal!Eridan x Sollux fanfiction}

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A cape dawning seadweller slams the door to his respite block, purple tinted tears ran in streams down his face. Leaning against the door, he though about what the cruel Scorpio had said to him just a few moments ago. Her sneering voice still rang clear through the seadweller's ears, saying that he was useless and that it would be better for everyone if he would just finish his work.

Eridan ripped off his scarf, tearing off the scabs of some of the thin cuts that lined his shoulders and neck as he did. His tears fell as drops of his violet blood hit his shirt. "She is right," he thought choking on a sob, "No one would evven care if I died anywways. Fef hates me, Kar thinks that I'm a desperate prick, Sol can't evven look at me, and no one else evven talks to me. I havve nothing to livve for anymore"

Making his decision, he went to the closet grabbing the rope that he had kept buried in the back of the closet. He paused for a long moment, looking over at his grubtop and biting his lip. He figured he owed his friends at least a goodbye...
He sat down and typed a goodbye message in which he said that he was sorry for every thing and that Vriska was right, pausing then sending it, before logging off and looking towards the ceiling. Eridan laughed numbly, before looking down, and at the rope. He called back memories of books that he had read, regarding different knots and their purposes, and quickly fashioned a noose. Setting to work, he tied the other end of the rope around the exposed rafters, testing it a few times to make sure it would stay. He slipped his head through the noose and whispered a soft goodbye, before kicking the chair from under himself.
He knew he had done something wrong when, instead of feeling a snap, darkness began to surround him. Panic overtook his desire to die, and he struggled against the rope, trying to breathe, and trying to live, though his consciousness was raiding quickly... In his last moments of alertness, he heard his door slam open and saw Sollux standing in his doorway, completely horror stricken.


Moments ago...
Vriska was standing smugly, her arms crossed, as the cape bearing Aquarius ran, in tears, out of the room. When the sobs ceased, there was a moment of gut wrenching silence, before the seemingly deafening sound of a chair scraping across the floor tore across the room.
The lanky Gemini stood, and walked towards Vriska, his psionics flairing and ready to scream at the Scorpio for what she had said to Eridan, the troll that could make him smile, the only troll who could make him fall so fast into flushed territory. Every one, even the forever-on-cloud-nine juggalo, had starred at him in a wide eyed mix of fear and worry. He had just taken a breath to start,  and the whole room was silent when everyone's trollian simultaneously went off. Each message the same ominous quote:

CA: I'm sorry evvery one, VVriska wwas right. I am just a useless heap who doesn't evven deservve to be alivve. Thank you all for evvery thing, but it's time for me to say goodbye... I'm sorry for treating you all so poorly. I'll see you in the Dreambubbles.

Fefari realized the meaning behind the message first, ans let out a strangled cry, desperately trying to message Eridan back as she sobbed from her seat at her desk. She wasn't the only one in a frenzy though, everyone few started typing, frantically trying to get messages to eridan, before all at once their messages weren't being received. Sollux's blood ran cold, and he turned on the viewing software for trollian and what he saw chilled him.
Eridan was struggling against a rope, clawing at it, as blood fell steadily onto his shirt. Gasping, the lowblood dashed out of the room, not giving a second thought to the fact that he left the viewing screen on, which now drew a crowd of others who's reactions varied from that of terror, to that of pure, silent shock.

Sollux hit the transportalizer that would place him closest to the highblood's room at a dead sprint. Even as the light flared, signifying that he had transported, he was half way down the hall. His feet gave off faint taps as he sprinted as fast as his legs would carry him; praying that the violet blood would still be with them when he got there. He finally reached the door to Eridan's respite block where he was greeted with the sight of his flush crush dangling by his neck from the ceiling.

Letting out a strangled cry, he saw the other troll's eye's close and he used his psionics to release the tension from the rope necklace that held tight around highblood's neck. He quickly grabbed the chair, standing on it and loosening the noose, slipping eridan out of it, and stumbling to the floor. Sollux's tears that he hadn't even noticed had begun to fall now streamed steadily down. He clutched at the Eridan, a sob wracking his body, sat on the hard floor with his head bent over the scarred and bruised figure "II-IIm 2o 2orry ED, IIt'2 all my fault," Sollux said despairingly, "II 2hould have told you how II felt, maybe then thii2 never would have happened... Jegu2 II'm 2uch an iidiiot!!!"

He shook heavily as he held the violetblood to his chest with tears falling fast and heavy, "Why ED, just, why... You're the only good per2on on thii2 god for2aken rock you ju2t... Ju2t go and do thii2 two your2elf..." he says, his voice quiet and broken.

A few moments pass and Sollux, too distressed to notice the breath on his neck as he said this, is shocked to feel a gentle, yet shaky hand wipe away the tears that had dampened his cheek. Eridan's shaky, quiet voice came along with a weak, trembling touch. "I-I'm sorry Sol, I-I didn't evven realize that... didn't evven think about the possibility of you evver evven liking me, l-let alone bein' flushed for a prick like me..."

Sollux gasped and clung to Eridan tightly, "Thank gog, thank Gog your okay. II-II thought II-II..." He said, chocking on the tears that came with the thought of what may have happened if he had failed to reach him in time.

"P-plea2e, ED, plea2e d-don't EVER do that agaiin, p-plea2e." He begged.


Sollux began to sob into Eridan's scarred neck as he held him closer still, his fists wrapping themselves in the fabric of the seadweler's shirt. The closeness to another living being, one who seemed to genuinely care about his well being, made his heart flip a little bit. Maybe he wasn't as alone as he thought...

Eridan began gently stroking the Gemini's hair, feeling Sollux rocking him slightly in an attempt to staunch the tears that fell freely down both of their cheeks. He couldn't believe that this was happening. Sollux had always been so strong, he had never seen him cry, not even once, yet here he was, sobbing over his sorry but. Why though, all he had ever been to Sol was cruel, but still he was able to love him? He wasn't worth it, not by a long shot...

"Sol? Please don't cry, I'm not wworth your tears," he said, pulling away and noticing the purple stains on the mustardblood's shirt, " Not after howw I've treated you..." his voice grew quieter as he spoke.

"UHHG, you iignorant priick, iif you think that then you are ju2t as2 obliiviious2 a2 II wa2." he wiped away his angry tears then pulled Eridan closer, "Your perfect Eriidan," he said softly. "Don't forget that."

At this point, it was Eridan that was crying, crying about every thing: his anger at Vrisk, the hurt inflicted by Fef, the joy of having some one who truly cared. Sol knew this and gently rubbed his back, letting Eridan cry as he stitched up the shallow slits in his neck. After the stitches were in place, Sol wiped away the highblood's tears, holding him close and rocking him until he fell asleep, the unspoken agreement clear in each of their minds as they held their new matesprite close.


Hey you guys, i hope that you liked this! I will be adding a sad ending soon, but for now this is all I have. Thanks for reading!


Hey y'all, I just went through and corrected a bunch of stuff in the is story. I'm sorry you had to read through all the spelling mistakes and weird phrasing, heh. Anyways, enjoy the edited version.


Will fix the rest later


2tupiid 2eadweller {A Suicidal!Eridan x Sollux fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now