(Sad Ending)

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Sollux cried out and used his psiioniics to loosen the tension on the cruel rope scarf that hung about Eridan's neck. He climbed upon the tall bed and gently pulled the violet blood down, falling back onto the bed. As he did, he remotely turned off the viewing screen, cutting off the veiw of his tears. He was careful to not agrivate the cuts that where on the sea-dweller's neck as he checked for a pulse. He let out a strangled cry and he pulled the Aquarius close to himself. He had been too late... always to late to save those towards whom he flushed. He sat there and sobbed, unable to hold back the acidic fluid that ran down his cheeks. "II-IIt'2 all my fault," he said in a broken voice, "II-IIt'2 alway2 my fault..."

It was only what seemed like moments later when a soft knock came at the door, "SOLLUX?" came Karkat's softened voice, "ARE YOU OKAY?"

Sollux choked down his tears and called out, his voice quivering as he spoke, "IIt'2 open kk."

Karkat walked in as Sollux stood, taking Eridan's cooling body with him as he did. Karkat looked at him with a soft sort of regret as he wrapped an arm around him, "COME ON... FEFARI WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO." he said softly.

The Gemini nodded and followed the Cancer numbly, Eridan's corpse cradled in his arms as they walked to the lab. As they entered, there was a moment where all of the conversation in the room stopped, leaving the room in a thick, crippling silence. It lasted but a moment though, as the sobs and gasps of pained surprise began to echo around the room.

The first to approach them was Fefari, the fuchsia tinted tears clear as they ran down her face. It was clear from the expression of shock and pain that she hadn't known that Eridan had had such problems, or had been in enough pain to do this to himself. When she spoke, her voice came out cracked and raw, though it was clear that she was trying to keep it even. “)(e... )(e can't R-E-ELY be gone... )(e will come back, w-won't )(e?” Though by her tone, you could tell that she knew the answer already.

Sollux started to speak, but as he tried, all that happened was a choked noise, followed only by another tear falling down his face as he bowed his head. Karkat noticed this and took a breath, taking the lead and being strong for the rest of his team. He spoke softly to Fef, asking her about what usually happened to sea-dweller when they passed, and listening to her as she spoke to him, telling him how they would usually lay them to rest.

The Gemini tried to listen, but it was too painful, so he was thankful when a teary eyed Kanaya approached him, giving him something else to focus on besides the topic of how to lay his secretly beloved Aquarius to rest. “Come,” she said to him softly, “We May As Well Prepare Him For... For It.” her voice broke midway through, but she placed a motherly hand on his back, leading him to the transportalizer once again.

They walked to Eridan's block again, and Kanaya had Sol wait outside as she went in to clear the room of the atrocities that where left there. A moment later she called for him to come inside and set the violet blooded troll onto the ground. The two of them went to work, cleaning up the blood upon his neck, and changing the clothes that where stained in blood. They put him into the outfit that he had loved so much in life, save the cape, making sure that the scarf concealed the bruise from the rope, along with the scars and fresh cuts that lined his neck. When they where finished, they took him to the surface of the meteor as Karkat had messaged them to do. Kanaya went ahead to give Sollux a bit of space, something for which the mustard blood was thankful.

He slowed and stopped, sitting down with Eridan in his arms. He hugged him and gently kissed his head, adjusting his hair and glasses, in a little ritual of closure for himself. It took but a moment, but for him, it felt an eternity. He stood again, and choked down his tears before walking again, heading to the surface of the meteor. When he reached it, he saw a corpse holder and a sort of rocket attached to it. He looked about, confused by the attachments to the corpse holder, looking for an explanation. It came to him when he saw Fefari approaching him, and he remembered that Sea-dwellers often times had different rituals and behaviors then other trolls. It was then that the former empress explained to him that in rare cases in which the person who had died was held in high esteem, that they would get launched into space, where they would explore the galaxies as they would have done in life.

Sollux nodded numbly at this, realizing that this would be the last time that he would be able to see his lost love, that he wouldn't have a grave to visit. He drew in a shaky breath and walked to the corpse holder, lying Eridan's long since cold body onto the velveteen cushions within. He lingered only a moment, putting a piece of hair back in place before stepping back and nodding gravely to Fefari.

The Gemini picked up that the corpse party for Eridan was not like the others that he had attended in the past, though that seamed to be one of the only things that he processed through the entire thing. The only other thing that he remembered was the goodbyes said by those around him, the moment that the coffin was closed, and the moment that the corpse holder left the ground. As others trailed away, returning back into the dark of the meteor, he stayed, watching as the thing that held the one he had flushed for flew farther and farther away, tears bubbling up and falling freely as he did.

Sollux felt something being draped over his shoulders and jumped a bit, quickly wiping away his tears and turning to see what and who it was. As he did, he felt the swish of fabric brush against his arm, causing him to stop in his tracks. He looked down at himself and saw familiar violet fabric of Eridan's cape, and as quickly as he had forced the tears away, they returned. He looked up to see who it was that had been so gracious in their gesture, only to see that they had absconded. So he sat down on the surface of the rock that sat beneath him, and wrapped the cape around himself, and waited. Waited until the harsh rays of light came blasting into his eyes. He was calm, even as he heard Kanaya's shouts to him, and the permanent darkness set in. As his sight faded, he gazed at an old photo, a photo of Eridan's smiling, and he knew that the last thing he would ever see, was that, the be that image of his love before any of this pain, and for that, he could not be more thankful.


Hey all, sorry for how long this took to post, I hope that this is up to par, and sorry if I break your feels!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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