
10 1 4

momma says

I am two parts him
and one part her

she says

I have her feelings
I am afraid of everything,
I'm emotional,
I'm stubborn

but she says

I have his eyes
his nose and lips
and freckles and hair
and golden skin

she says

I look too much like him
my smile curves in a familiar way
that makes her stomach drop
and my laugh echoes
and makes her want to rip off her ears

she screams

tells me to stay away
because I'm too much like him
and will leave just as he did
I'll hurt her just like I did
with my hands that
are the same size as his

she hits

maybe she can pound him out of me
blackens the familiar gold eyes
and washed the freckles in blood
kept me inside to pale, unlike his bronze skin
gripped my shoulders to maybe squeeze him out of me

she remembers

the way his eyes hardened
when she told him about me
and gold kind eyes
went dark bitter coffee

she cries

and wishes I was like her
and not him

with sea glass eyes and
pale pale skin
and mind full of memories
that she wishes she could forget

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