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Therapist: Where have you found peace?

Well let's see....
Place that I have found peace:

1. The beach, stood in front of the ocean. It's song that it sings just gives me a silent sin my whole body.

2. The woods. Especially when the leaves change colour, it reminds me that people can change. You can do some much change in a month.

3. The middle of the road. This sounds strange but standing in the middle of the road keeps me reminded that at any minute my life could just be snapped away.

4. The cliff ledge. I love sitting on the ledge of the highest point of the cliff, my legs dangling over the ledge as I was the clouds float by.

5. His arms. It calms all the voice and thoughts. He makes me solely think about that single moment. What is happening right there and then.

6. With her. She's just so crazy. We get in so we'll and have such a good laugh over nothing. Especially those red trousers. She helps me to forget.

Each place that brings me peace can sometimes be clouded by thoughts, yet each is the best place I go for thinking. I also go there when I need a break from thinking. So although most are used for thinking they also keep it at a safe place.

A  New Perspective Can Make Anything Beautiful.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें