Chapter Two

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Your POV

When Thomas came back we walked to his car which was a black pick up truck with a license plate that said 'HOT STUF' I giggled and got in the passenger side of his car.
     "How was your school day (Y/N)?"
    "Same as usual until I got to film class. We had a blast!"
    "I know, I was there." He said with a smile. I laughed and looked out the window.
    "What about your day Thomas?"
    "Busy but I'm happy I have your class other wise I'd go crazy. Your class is so tame compared to my other classes."
    "Well them I'd better tell my fellow classmates not to be tame that." I said with a smirk.
     "That would just add on to his Anxiety." I heard a deep voice say from behind me. I turned to see a man who looked like Thomas but he wore black clothing and he had bags under his eyes.
     "Anxiety, don't bother her."
     "Aww why not?"
    "Because she doesn't need to be worrying about that right now." The male 'Anxiety' disappeared into thin air. I looked back to Thomas who's hands were gripping the steering wheel tightly.
    "Who was that?" He sighed and loosened his grip.
    "That was my Anxiety. He's a pain in the butt who bugs me during work."
    "Oh. I'm sorry you have to deal with him."
    "He's.... he's not only one but he's the only one who bugs me."
    "What do you mean he's not the only one?"
    "I have multiple sides to me such as my fanciful side, who call Princey."
    "You called for me Thomas?!" A cheerful voice called from the backseat. I turned and was faced with a male who wore a white and red outfit. "Oh hello!"
   "Uhh... hi?"
     "I'm prince nice to meet you!" He said as Thomas pulled up to my house.
    "Bye (Y/N) have a good day."
    "Bye Thomas, thanks for the ride!" I hopped out of the car and went up to my house."

Thomas POV

    "You like her."
     "It's pretty obvious. You never tell people about us."
    "He has a point."
    "Oh not you too Logic!" I said as I pulled into my driveway.
    "Look Thomas. We know you've had some slip ups with girls, but I think she's different."
    "What do you know Princey you've never been in a real relationship!" Logic looked at Princey who just nodded and they both disappeared.

His Sides (Thomas Sanders X Reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now