Rooftop Talk~(Fluff)

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"(Y/n) please??" Toby whined as he poked you. You were in bed, tired. But Toby was nudging you. Nudging you to wake up and go to the park with him. "Ugh...Toby. I'm sleepyyy." You whined back, rubbing your tired eyes. "Please...I wanna spend time with you at the park today (y/n)." He explained. You opened your eyes slightly and caught a glimpse of Toby's whimpering face. He looked straight at you and you saw how hopeless his cute little face was.

He frowned at you. "Get up, (y/n)." He urged. You felt bad for Toby and that frown made you feel a little guilty.
You opened your eyes and with the last of your efforts, you stood up infront of Toby, facing him. "Fine...since you're making that face." You say, blushing.

Toby was literally the most cutest! ^^
He gleamed at you and gave you a hug. But then blushed as he felt something squishy and round under his chests. He traveled his eyes down to your body and blushed slightly "You... might want to cover up.." He informed, turning back out of the room and into the kitchen.

You were wearing nothing but your underwear and bra on. You quickly blushed back and rushed into the closet door, opening it. Then you grab the first thing you see which is a purple colored sweatshirt. You slid you left arm through the left sleeve and did the same thing for your other arm. Zipping up the sweater, and grabbing thin black yoga pants, you suddenly hear slight chuckling across the room.

You turned your head slightly to the right and saw Toby standing there. Arms crossed, chuckling, and making this perverted look at you. His brown eyes traveled up and down your exposed thighs and you blushed, sliding your black yoga pants faster up your legs.

"What's the matter? Am I not allowed to stare at you? Did you already forget that we had sex yesterday?" He says, biting his lip. You blush hard as scenes from yesterday came flooding in you. "...Y-you were the one getting all horny in the first place pushed me onto of the bed first!" You pout.

Toby walked over to you and towered over you with his tall leaning stature and stared at you. "And you were the one to make me cum first." He says slowly. "U-uh...look, enough about yesterday! Pfft! We're going to the park remember?" You say, shoving past Toby.

"Oh yeah! Right!" He exclaims, heading out the room as you sighed. Glad that the subject had changed. You gave it one last thought about last night and how slightly disappointed you were when you never gave Toby a blowjob. But you did give him a boob-job instead.

Heading out the room, you close the lights and shut the door as you see Toby waiting for you at the door, grinning at you.

"Ready to go?"


You and Toby walked across the forest path you guys usually take. It was silent. Red, orange, and yellow leaves fell from the branches of the trees around you as Toby and you kept walking to your destination. This continued for about a couple minutes and awkwardness quickly came over the atmosphere between you and Toby. "You know what?" Toby spoke, surprising you. "What?" You reply, curious as to what he was about to say. He let his mouth guard fall upon his neck and he put his goggles up. Looking into his deep eyes.

Toby opened his mouth to say something but then hesitated. "You can tell me." You said. He took a deep breath and spoke softly. "...I'm a murderer (y/n)." He says.
You roll your eyes. "I already know." You say sounding quite annoyed. "Yeah but...are you seriously okay with that? I murder people. I kill them. I makes them suffer. I end their lives mercilessly. And you're seriously okay with that??" He says, looking at you.

You open your mouth to say something, but you closed it. The reason why you gave your heart to Toby is because of that time. You didn't care if he was a murderer or if he had disorders. He was special to you and he proved his worthy love to you. He almost died for you that day.

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