Stay - Kakashi Hatake x reader (lemon)

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Kakashi Hatake x Reader

This takes place while Kakashi is ANBU, around the age of 20.

Not edited
Words: 4154

Looking up at the large gates of the village you let a smile grace your lips, of course this was your favourite of the villages. Being a traveler was your life, you got to see many villages and small towns along your travels but none could beat the beauty of Konoha. The leaf village brought forth that all natural beauty of the land that you loved.

After passing through the gates your smile only seemed to widen as familiar shops and people passed you by. When you were younger and your parents traveled you ended up living in this village for a series of two years, you didn't stay because your parents didn't. Not that you were upset for leaving.

Swinging your head from side to side you take in everything, nothing had changed. Walking forward only seemed to become a bad idea when a blur of green flashed out in front of you. Taking a step back you look up at the man whom stopped you in your tracks. Trying not to let a frown show you politely smile up at the man that is before your smile is wiped off and your face now held a shocked expression.

"GAI?" You asked staring in complete shock at the man before you, last time you seen him you were both children of course, he was just after graduating when you left and now look at him, a man.

"Do I know you?" His voice much deeper than that of the little boy who used to badger you to be his girlfriend, of course you never did accept. Not that it took anything off his ego, as he would asked again the following day. You whacked the taller mans arm and watched as he tilted his head to get a better look at you.

"Wait a minute...(h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, a smile that stops my heart!" You smiled up at him as he continued this speech, not that you minded being praised. "You have the youthful beauty that only one other I know possesses." You looking up at him anxiously, edging him to continue and cut to the chase. "You remind me of my self! Pure youthfulness! Though I can't say I caught your name."

You're head dropped as you realized he still didn't remember you, "Gai, it's me. (y/n)." You saying looking back up as you scratch the back of you head nervously. Letting out a quiet laugh as his jaw drops at realization.

"(Y/N)?!" Gai stuttered out, "I haven't see you since the academy days!" He quickly countered back, "well, how's everything? Where are your parents?" He happily asked, making light conversation with an old friend. You give gai a small smile back, you weren't mad nor upset by his question after all he didn't know.

"My parents are dead... we were attacked while heading to Amegakure.." slanting you vision to the side you look away, you didn't need any more pity than what you had already gotten. "Other than that I'm fine. Decided to come back and visit my favourite place." You smile back up at him, reviving one from him in return.

"How about you finally accept my offer and I can treat you to some Ichiraku?" Letting out a laugh you nod your head and walk with him into town. Your (e/c) eyes traveled over the passing villagers and local shops as you listened to Gai as he told you stories, and filled you in on everything that has happen since you've left.

"Here we are" he spoke as you look up at the shop, the delicious smells coming from within was drawing you to it. You watched as Gai pulled back one of the curtains before signalling for you to enter first. Passing through the threshold you take a seat at one of the stools. Your eye sparkling as the take in the surrounding smells and sights.

Then you pause. There was another customer here besides the two of you. It wasn't strange that there was another customer here, it was-

"Ahh my eternal rival, I was wondering when I would see you today." Gai's voice broke you out of your thoughts as you watched him stand in front of your view of the unmistakable masked man. Of course it had to be him, Kakashi. You wondered if he was still as strict about the rules as always. Back when you were kids; girls loved him, they loved the whole bad boy vibe and not to mention he was pretty cute. Looking at him from over Gai's shoulder you could definitely still had looks going for him.

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