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AN: This is my first book and I hop u all like it Peace Coolkid . ( ps. Blake is Grant Gustin )

( 10 years ago ) 

     I was six years old and my family and I were going into the woods to have a picnic I got to pick what we did since it was my birthday but as we almost got to the picnic spot we heard a growl and our popped 4 big wait not big huge wolves started circling us and my parents quickly shifted my dad to his gray and black wolf and my mom to her white one  they fought hard and told me and my brother to run we did but an hour later we came back to the spot and are parents were lying there dead with one other wolf I ran to go get the alpha he got some warriors together and we ran since my dad was his best friend and beta they carried the bodies and buried them in honor , soon later everyone started treating me like shit and I became a slave and punching bag 

I am woken up by a splash of water dumped on me I look up to see my big brother by two min Jason standing over me scowling he said " wake up slut you haven't made breakfast yet " I look at the clock and my eyes widen I slept in and I look up at Jason and he slaps me and snaps " You never look me in the eyes got it" I nod my head and look down and walk to the kitchen to make breakfast but I am stopped by my uncle and he punches me and says your late and I nod as he walk of not before giving me another slap though . I quickly start and finish then grab a banana and walk to school . I am the first one there and the building isn't open yet  so I just sit at the front of the building listening to music and then I start to sing 

( lost boy)

"There was a time when I was alone no where to go and no place to call have my only friend was the man in the moon and even sometimes he would go away to" 

As I end I start to here noise and see who's coming then I realize I'm in deep  trouble

Sorry that was a short chapter guys I'm sorry the next one will be longer I promise and from now on I'm updating every wendsday but I'm going to write the second page right now 

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