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Standing in front of me is Blake styles the soon to be alpha my brother which is the soon to be beta and the soon to be Gamma Austin Michel they start to grin at each other and I know what's going to happen Austin picks me up by the neck and Blake and Jason start punching me like I'm a punching bag today is Blakes 18 birthday the day he is crowned alpha and once he hits me there is a spark and my wolf Lanesha cries out " MATE " and Blake looks extremely surprised and a little smile goes on his face but it quickly turns to a frown and he said " i Blake Sty- " but I quickly stop him and say " please don't do it " and he continues saying " I Blake Syles reject you Paige Harrison as mate " and Paige quickly fell to the ground in pain as him and his friends walked away when they were finally out of her sight she ran as fast as she could to the pack house packed all her things and left a note to her family , pack, and Blake 

* dear ' family '                                                                                                                                                                                all I have to say is why why do you treat me like shit what did I ever do to you all I ever do to any of you sure I was a little trouble sometimes I just want you guys to know your my family I still love you but I will be back for REVENGE  .

Dear ' Mate '            

I hope you rot in HELL

Dear pack

              Why what did I ever do to you all  I work you cook for you clean for you and want to know what  I got , shit    That's what I got but boy you will regret it cause I'll be back and this time better than ever.

She ran out of the territory and as soon as she did she fell on the ground in pain as her bones start to move around and she shifted to a beautiful white wold with a tiara on her head as she looked at herself in the lake and saw her and  she looked like an alpha wolf then a voice came out and said " it's because you are an alpha wolf " she looked around and said " who was that were are you " in a frightened tone , and the voice said " it's me your wolf Candice " Oh and me you witch Laura " Oh and me your Demon Asha" and lastly me your angel Madison " I was  confused and said " wait how   " then interupted by Asha " your A hybrid " then suddenly everything goes black...

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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