Chat #26

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Marker: I talked to the head of the company.

JYP: it was quite embarrassing

King_Jackson: lolol what did you do Mark

JYP: I was recording for this scene in a drama and all I see is some tall blonde dude that looked really familiar to me flip a table and then put it back to its place and apologize before talking to the boss

Marker: lolol I tried to act mad but I kind of felt bad for flipping their table for no reason

DefSoul: so you put it back in place?😂😂😂

Marker: .____. Don't laugh

Dab_Bam: at least he tried😂😂😂

King_Jackson: hi foreigner

Toyjae: Jackson

King_Jackson: sigh. Hi BamBam

Dab_Bam: hi Jackson...?

Browny: what the hell was that all about?

JYP: I can now have my phone thanks to Mark causing a scene in my company 🙂

Marker: anything for you Jinyoungie~~

DefSoul: Mark is head over heels for Jinyoung

King_Jackson: true dat

Dab_Bam: I still want to know why Jackson changed so quick

King_Jackson: wdym

Dab_Bam: nothing

DefSoul: I'm so tired bruh

Marker: jinyoungie can you answer my text??

JYP: sure

Toyjae: ohoho

Browny: oho

DefSoul: :))

Dab_Bam: ;)

JYP: you guys are so weird

Marker:   ^

DefSoul: we ship you guys so much that you won't understand

Browny: yuuup

Marker: whatever lol

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