Private Chat

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King_Jackson: hey bambam

Dab_Bam: what's up??

King_Jackson: n-nothing really

King_Jackson: how are you today?

Dab_Bam: i'm fine...are u okay lol

King_Jackson: i'm okay, how come lolol

Dab_Bam: dude you're being so nice to me

King_Jackson: i learned from Youngjae that I should treat people how I want to be treated

Dab_Bam: hmmmm

Dab_Bam: are you sure ??

King_Jackson: yeah lol

King_Jackson: and thanks for helping learn how to dab ig😂😂😂😂

Dab_Bam: no problem lolol.

Dab_Bam: everyome needs to learn what'll help the world 😂😂👏🏻

King_Jackson: sure😂💀

Dab_Bam: ._____.

King_Jackson: oh yeah! when is you're next concert?

Dab_Bam: ummmm i think it's next week

King_Jackson: oh :(

Dab_Bam: were you gonna come?

King_Jackson: yeah but i have a tour next week

Dab_Bam: oh then let me check if i have one this week okay?

King_Jackson: okay, man. no wonder why i like yo----

Dab_Bam: what was that??

King_Jackson: no wonder why i love...yogurt! Ahahahahaha

Dab_Bam: i have a concert tomorrow night. does that work?

King_Jackson: yeah!!

King_Jackson: BamBam...

Dab_Bam: yes lol

King_Jackson: i think i'm starting to like you

King_Jackson: see ya!!

Dab_Bam: you could've waited for me to text back.... pabo:(

aw poor BamBam lolol

this was requested yo

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