Chapter 1 - My Story Begins

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I studied the blade in my hands, turning it over and over, as if hoping to find something that wasn't there before. I traced the symbol on the hilt.

"Kellie, they're coming." Moonbeam, a cat hybrid with long black hair, aqua eyes, and dark teal cat ears and tail, warned me from across the hall. I slid my dagger back into its sheath. I wasn't allowed to have it out in my cell.

Phantom Night, a wolf hybrid with long dark brown hair, teal eyes, and teal wolf ears and tail that was held in the cell next to Moonbeam's, hissed when two soldiers entered the room... with Haggar. Snow Bird, a bird hybrid with shortish white hair, pale blue eyes, and white bird wings whimpered and shrunk back into her cell, which was next to mine.

"Time to go." Haggar hissed. She flicked her hand and all four of us were teleported in front of her. I shivered. I really hated it when she did that.

"We have a special opponent for you four today." Haggar said as she lead us through the hall to the Arena. It was so narrow that we had to walk single file. Haggar in front, then Moonbeam, Phantom, one of the soldiers, me, then Snow Bird, then the last soldier. I moved my hand back and held Snow's hand in mine. She was a nervous wreck, and found the most comfort in me.

Haggar nodded to us as we filed out into the sandy area. She was slightly nicer to us when she was alone or accompanied by lower soldiers. I don't know why, but I'm glad.

"On the East side of the ring, we have our Champion Team!"

The crowd roared as Snow Bird and I entered the ring behind Moonbeam and Phantom. I sighed and moved Snow Bird behind me before taking out my dagger and holding it up. The crowd got louder as the glint of my dagger lit up our faces.

"We have a special treat for you today, folks! On the other side of the ring, I give you... THE PALADINS OF VOLTRON!!"

I choked. I knew about Voltron from my father's stories. From the chatty guards, I knew that the new Paladins were all human, and one of them was Takashi Shirogane.

A friend of mine.

And the only one of us who's made it out alive.

Five people were thrown into the Arena, all handcuffed. The first one to stand gave me a sour taste in my mouth.


"Let's see if the legendary Paladins can fare against... Moonbeam the Cat Witch!"

Moonbeam sighed and raised her hands. Purple light came from both and flared once. She had special powers given and trained to her by Haggar.

The crowd cheered.

"Phantom Night the Werewolf!"

"I'm not a werewolf!" Phantom muttered before raising her head back and letting out a pure wolf howl. The sound bounced off the walls and was projected to ten times louder.

The crowd mostly cheered, but a few howled back.

"Snow Bird the Healer!"

Snow whimpered, but opened her wings wide and screeched like an owl. Her sound also bounced off the walls.

The crowd cheered a little quieter, knowing by now that Snow was not a fighter and only healed us using her healing power if we needed it.

"And our best fighter ever to grace the Arena... DARKNESS!!"

I hate that name. My fake Galra name. It's Lightheart. Not Darkness.

I let out a battle cry and the crowd roared for me.

I hate this...

I hate it all...

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