Chapter 7 - Challenge Accepted

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Hi my Okami, it's been a while huh? I'm sorry but I had a bunch of family stuff going on and I really just have to stop making new stories and focus on updating the old ones. Heck, I have a Star Wars Rebels story way in the back that people are starting to find and are asking me to update it. So yeah enjoy this chapter! Lots of POV switching!

"Hey Kellie, how good are you at fighting?"

I blinked and looked up at Lance, who had his chin resting on one hand as he looked across the table at me. Allura now eats in her room so she is, and I quote from her, "far away from the Galra", who is me. That ticks off Phantom and, surprisingly, Keith, who had become my sparing partner and friend over the last couple of days.

"Pretty good in this form, I guess. I'm pretty much a machine of death as Lightheart." I answered, putting my spoon down. "Why?"

Lance grinned. "No reason."

"Dude, no offense, but whenever you talk without flirting you have something mischievous on your mind." Phantom said from my right side, pointing her spoon at Lance. Keith sat at my left and stayed quiet, silently surveying the scenario in front of him. The others watched with interest. Well, actually Snow Bird looked ready to slip under the table.

Lance raised his hands in surrender. "Alright, you got me." Then he pointed a finger at me with a grin. "I challenge Galra Kellie to a fight!"

"Dude what?!" (Phantom)

"Lance I don't think that's a good idea." (Hunk)

"There is a 10% chance you will win." (Pidge)

Shiro gave me a calm "You're choice" look while Moonbeam and Snow Bird gave me freaked "Don't do it!" faces.

I shrugged. "Okay."

Lance's grin flattered. "Wait what? Really?"

I nodded and got up. "Yeah let's go." I walked out and to the Training Room before anyone could say anything.

"Bad move, dude." I heard Phantom say, most likely shaking her head. "Bad move."
"Hey..." I jumped a little as a hand rested on my shoulder from behind. I fought off the natural instinct of grabbing whoever it was and flipping them over my shoulder and turned to see Keith.

"Oh hey Hotshot." I said, self-consciously twirling my knife in my hand. "What's up?"

I should probably mention that I call Keith "Hotshot" now. He doesn't seem to mind, in fact it seems to fire him up during training.

Keith glanced at the Training Deck door. I was standing outside until Lance was ready. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He looked back into my eyes, being the only Paladin to do that without being unnerved. Even Shiro doesn't do that. "I mean, Lance is...." He paused as if trying to find the right word.

"Cocky? Ignorant? Downright annoying?" I suggested with a quiet laugh.

Keith smiled slightly, so small you could barely see it. "Yeah. All of those things."

Should I tell him...? Yeah I'm gonna tell him.

"Well, if I'm being honest, I'm not actually going to fight him." I admitted. Well, no turning back now.

"What? What do you mean?" Keith asked with a confused look.

"Lance challenged the Galra me."

"Yeah? So? I've seen your Galra form."

"Not exactly..." I bit my lip and looked at the ground. "You'll see in a minute.... Just don't hate me, okay Hotshot?" I turned and walked inside the Training Deck, Keith following me a second later.
'That did she mean by that?' Keith thought as Kellie walked to the center of the Training Deck across from a smirking Lance. He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and watched the scene roll out in front of him.

"Ready?" Coran asked. He was the referee.

"No." Kellie said. She closed her eyes and Keith wasn't surprised when her skin started to turn purple, but was when her clothes suddenly changed too.

Kellie opened her eyes and smiled. Her teeth looked sharp as razors.


Keith immediately stood up straight as a completely different voice came from Kellie. It was more like a woman in her twenties with a slight British accent was talking. "Kellie..?"

"Nope!" Not-So-Kellie said with a giggle. "I'm Lightheart!"

"Hey Lightheart!" Phantom yelled from where she stood by Shiro with Moonbeam and Snow Bird. "Good to see ya!"

"Hello Phantom!" Lightheart waved.

Keith looked at Lance and nearly burst out laughing. The Cuban boy's blue eyes were wide and his mouth was open and would have gone further down if it could.

(A/N: Yes, I think Lance is somewhat Cuban, at least in this story he is. I feel like I add too many Spanish-talking people in my Voltron stories already)

"Wait what?" Lance finally asked.

Lightheart turned to him with her hands on her hips. "You challenged the Galra part of Kellie, and that's me!" She smiled. Keith blinked and relaxed. This was what Kellie meant.

"Hey Lance!" Pidge yelled. "You! Are! So! Screwed!"

"Shut up Pidge!"

Lightheart giggled. "Shall we, Paladin?"

Lance gulped, then nodded and raised his Bayard.

"3... 2... 1... FIGHT!!" Coran yelled.

Lightheart charged.
"Please don't hurt Lance too much." I said as I allowed Lightheart to take control of my mind and body.

"I promise I will not." Lightheart replied, her voice seeming to echo around the darkness at surrounded me. I was used to it by now, as I've been in this part of my mind many times before since I was young. "He is a good shot he almost hit me there."

"Yeah that's Lance for you." I replied, sitting down and holding my knees. I couldn't see or hear what was going on and could only try my best to imagine the scenario. "Does Keith look mad at me?"

"Why do you want to know~?" Lightheart asked with a flirty giggle.

My face immediately grew hot. "J-just look and tell me!"

"Mmm... No he actually seems quite fascinated. As does everyone else." Then she made a panicked noise.

"What?!" I asked, standing up. "What did you do?!"

"I did not do anything! That scary Altean lady is in the room now and she does not look happy!" This is one of the rare times that Lightheart actually sounded scared.

"Allura..." I whispered. "What's going on?"

"She is yelling at me. She thinks I am you attacking Lance and everyone else is trying to convince her otherwise, but she is not listening."

I gasped when I realized I could hear faint voices in the distance. "Lightheart our connection is weakening! Get out of there!"

"How?! Everyone is staring at us!"

"Signal Phantom! Remember the signal I taught you for this situation?!"

"Oh yes!" There was silence for a moment before Lightheart replied. "Phantom Night is now yelling at the Princess and we are running down the hall. Though I can hear and smell Keith following us."

I sighed. "He out of all of them deserves to know. Find a place to hide."

"I am now in a closet. Farewell til next year, Kellie."

"Goodbye Lightheart..."

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