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You walk arpund the park, you unwillingly check the time on your phone. You grunt annoyed seeing its 5 o'clock in the morning, had getting no sleep school had start in an hours notice.

You brush it off and keep walking, You smile seeing a pair of swings, You walk over and sit on one, occasionally looking around.  It sent shivers down your spine when you saw tiny glances of red through the trees you were looking at,

"Hello?!" You shouted out to the trees, suddenly the red was there again, You saw this devil horned hair...


"Oh Tord also has that red hoodie and devil-horned hair!" Edd exclaimed all giddy-

"Tord?" You said, It stayed still, "Tord?!" You called to him, He flinched, You walked up slowly and flinched and stopped walking, hearing the sobbing.

You slowly began your pase and there was before you the one and only Tord, except.. Only he's sobbimg uncontrolably, He had a gun in his hand and you felt pity for the poor thing!

You approached closer smiling a warm smile as he kept sobbing, You embrace the boy as he puts his head on your shoulder and continues sobbing... Poor thing probably doesnt get enough love and effection.. you thought, "Do you want to come with me? I have a spare room, my brothers old one. I can also let you come to school with me, I'll let you be in all the same classes as myself too. Your other friends are there too, though you dont have to talk to them if you dont want" You said and he nodded, "Please.." He said through sobs. You saw him loosen his grip on his gun and almost drop it, he put it in his hoodies frount pocket and you took his hand,

Suddenly wild colors flashed in your eues, you could finally see ALL colors not only little, you smiled as his mouth opened in awe at the colors around him,

You found him, you found your soulmate..

I know what your going to say, "REALLY ITS THIS SHORT?!" Well your wrong my friend, never doubt me '3'

You both walked on the sidewalk back to your appartment, You check the time, Your eyees widen you had 30 minutes untill school started to open,

you came to an abrupt stop as you felt added weight on you, you looked behind you to see your friend had fallen asleep on you, you smile giggling as you pick him up and carry him on your back,

You finnaly made it home and you bolted inside, You softly laied the sleeping sin child (tord) on your bed while you got yourself ready, and you had yourself a sugared coffee,  afterwards you dial Edds number

E- Hello?

You- I have tord.. Should I bring him to school or leave him at my appartment alone?


You- Kk, poor thing's asleep.. Found him at the park..

E- . . . Bring him asleep and into the bathroom and I'll be there!

You- okay bye thanks eddie!

E- bye!

You hung up and looked back to see Tords still asleep you grab your bag and sling it over your shoulder and put Tord on my hip, I walk out the door and to the school..

At school~

You bolted into the bathroom and set Tord on the counter, You look back to see Edd staring at the sleeping boy.  You smile at him as you and Edd hear the sleeping boy now waking up,

Tord whipes his red puffy eyes, and stared at Edd, Edd walked up to the scared boy as the terrified boy scooted into the wall as far as he could, Edd smiled at him and quietly talked to him and left before him, but before he was gone he spoke to me, "Bring him to class.." I nodded and motioned Tord to come on, He didnt like the idea but obeyed anyways,

I smiled walking into my classroom and Tord immedietly atopped, everyone in the class' eyes were on him, Tord stood frozen, but shakily moved his arm in his pocket to his gun.. my eyes widen as I drop my backpack in my chair and raced to his hand and took the gun. Kids gasped and kept staring and Edd and Tom got up too taking the gun from me and grabbing tord, Tord kicked and screamed and I growled, I shoved them off of him as Tord dashed away,

"LOOK WHAT YOU GUYS DID YOU SCARED THE POOR THING!" I screamed furious, "HE HAD A GUN Y/N!" Tom screamed, "I DONT CARE!!" I screamed back dashing down the hall looking for my beloved..

Tord X Male Reader ||Soulmate AU||Where stories live. Discover now