Chapter 11

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Tilly's POV-

With the bottle of alcohol in hand and Niall slowly making his way behind me, we make it to the other room.

"Party's here!" I swing open the door and throw my hands in the air.

"Hey look who made it! Nice to see you two," Liam gets off the couch to close the door behind Niall. It's kind of funny to see someone who's had that many shots try to walk with crutches. Let's just say that YouTube is going to have a new star.

"How could we miss Twister? Now let's get this game started! Whoo!" I am clearly way too excited to be playing this childish game. Everyone around me is just staring as if I have three heads or something. "Oh come on guys. I thought we were going to have fun tonight?"

"Someone has clearly already had way too much fun," Elise mumbles under breath, so I pretend not to hear it.

"I agree with Tilly! Even though I can't play because of my leg, I would really love some entertainment right now!" Niall steps in with his comment and is thankfully on my side. I look back him, flashing him a smile as if saying thanks.

Liam lets out a small laugh before leaving the room. He better be going to get the game or I am seriously leaving this room right now. I am in way too good of a mood for all these loners to bring me down. Only a minute or two later, Liam shows back up with a small box, and I can already see the bright red letters on it spelling out 'Twister.'

Heck freaking yeah.

"Okay, here we go! Everybody ready?" he begins to pull everything out of the box, as we all get ourselves situated.

"Hey iHop, be the spinner since you can't do anything," Harry waves the spinning board thing over to Niall. I can't help but to laugh at his nickname.

"Oh don't even, Harry. I don't want to hear it from you," he yanks the game piece away from him and takes a seat on the chair closest to where Liam is laying out the sheet.

As he finishes up, I take the opportunity to have myself a nice swig of alcohol I am still somehow holding. Mmm this is so freaking good. I take one more quick little sip before noticing Elise still sitting in the same spot as she was when Niall and I walked in, except she looks ten times more upset.

"Does somebody need a drink?" I ask her, motioning the almost finished bottle to her. She pushes the bottle away but doesn't say anything. "Seriously? What's with the attitude?"

"Shut up, Tilly," with that she gets up, leaving me behind and confused as to why she is giving me such harsh treatment. Whatever. I will deal with it later. I follow her but end up going on the other side of the room where Josh and Louis are, while she stands next to Liam, Harry, and Zayn.

"Alright, Niall. Pick who's going first and spin for them!" Zayn speaks up, obviously getting anxious to start.

"Um Josh you go first, then you can pick who goes next, then they can pick and so on...sound good?" Everyone gives him a thumbs up and head nods, making it clear that we all agree. "Okay then...Josh you got right hand yellow."

As he's told, Josh places his right hand on a yellow circle. So far so good.

"Tilly's up," I'm summoned by Josh to go next. I place the bottle on the side table closest to me, preparing myself to go.

"Tilly, you have left foot green."

"Whoo! Green!" I stomp my left foot on a green dot. "Yeah! Now let's see...Zayn you're next!"

A huge smile is pasted on his face. Alright Zayn...getting into the game! At least someone is happy tonight!

The game continues as each person is choosen and places their hands and feet on the sheet. It doesn't start off very complicated, but as more people began to join, the more we become tangled. At the moment, I am stradled under Josh, Louis' arched over Liam, and Elise and Harry are battling over a blue circle. Unfortunatly, Zayn got a text and when reaching for it, he fell flat on his face. Poor thing.

"Are you guys sure you want to keep playing?" Niall asks, looking at all of us as if we are all crazy. I would say that we kind of are since every single one of us says yes to his question. "Whatever...suit yourself. Who's up now?"

"Me!" I shout from below Josh.

"Right foot red," As told, I slowly begin to scoot my right foot over to red. Turns out...I'm not so good at this game.

I accidently move my foot right into Josh's, causing him to lose his balance and him falling on top of me. Thankfully, nobody else fell or they would all be pissed I made them all lose.

"Smooth move, Til," Josh says, followed by a slight chuckle. His face is so close to mine, that I can smell the fruitiness of his gum.

"Well you know...I try," I attempt to shrug my shoulders, but he's putting too much pressure on my arms, and I can't even move them.

"Oh I should get up now, shouldn't I?"

"Yeah that would be helpful!" Harry shouts with a snarky attitude. I guess laying with Josh on the game is frowned upon in this room.

"No need to be mean! We were just..." I stop, finding myself staring at Josh's brown eyes. I have seen them before in pictures, but looking into them in real life is just so much different.

"Okay, okay...who's turn is it?" Niall interupts what ever moment Josh and I were having. He almost appears to be a little jealous right now? Why would he though? Just hours ago, he was macking on my best friend. I should be the jealous one...right? No way.

Ugh...I need something else to drink because I am starting to think way too much again.

As I reach for the bottle, someone stops me. His finds it's way on top of mine, as if we were both reaching for the alcohol at the same time.

"Oops sorry, you can have it," Of course it would be Josh.

"Thanks...hey come with me in the kitchen real quick. I need to show you something," He takes a hold of my hand and pulls me behind him into the kitchen. Oh this should be good.


Going back to the authors note, if we can get this book to 10.5K then there will be a definite double update and if we get to 11K there will be a triple update!! :)

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