Chapter 4

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****************PICTURE OF CRAIG AND LANA TO THE SIDE!!**************

Walking inside the school building, I just knew I was smiling from ear to ear. The conversation Andre and I had was very interesting, and to be honest, I was looking forward to tomorrow morning.

"What's up be-yatchhhh!" Lana practically screamed, while snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see her and Craig coming my way.

"Sup," Craig said, tryna be all cool.

I giggled, but replied, "Hey ya'll. What's up?"

"Waiting for your slow ass. Where you been?" Lana asked, as she wrapped an arm around Craig's waist. I quickly turned my head, and began playing with the little screen hanging off my purse. God, I'm never going to get over them being all lovey dovey, escpecially since I had no one to hold me.

"Damn, I was taking my time. It's not like I'm eager about being in school for so many hours," I replied with a little more attitude than I intended to have.

"What's your problem?" Craig asked, poking me in my side. I jerked, and sent an icey glare his way, but ended up laughing. He knows I'm ticklish.

"Noth-" I started, but was rudely interrupted.

"Wassup my nigga."

We all turned around and there stood Andre looking as fine as ever. He was leaning against the lockers with some of our other guy friends.

"What's good boy?" Craig walked over to them, and gave them each some dap, while leaving me and Lana standing there.

"That's him girl," Lana said, but just enough for me to hear her. So this is the new guy, she and every other girl was talking about. This is definitely a small world.

"I know him," I said without thinking. Lana elbowed me in the side and her eyes were wide. "I was going to tell you about it when I got here, damn!" I said quickly, while rubbing my side. Her elbows were sharp as hell, she could do some serious damage with them, too.

Craig and Andre walked back towards us, and Lana immediately wrapped her arms around Craig's neck. They began kissing, which was making me very uncomfortable. I turned on my heels, preparing to leave them there, when I smacked right into Andre's chest. I groaned and rubbed my head.

"Your amazon ass," I mumbled, while making my way around him.

He chuckled, but walked with me. "So, I didn't know you go here."

"I could say the same for you."

"I guess its a small world then."

"Guess so."

We walked to my locker in silence, but I didn't care. I actually enjoyed Andre's presence. I quickly opened my locker, and stuffed my shoulder bag inside. This thing was extra heavy today, and I was not about to be bringing it with me to every class.

"So are you going to let me give you a ride to school sometime now that you know that we go to the same school?" I glanced at Andre, and he was leaning against the locker beside mines. Damn, he's fucking bomb, but I know his type. He's one of those guys who will seduce a girl with his eyes, but I wasn't going. He was going to have to catch me slipping or something!

"I'll let you know." He gave me the yea right look. "Fine! You can drop me off at home after school today."

His face lit up, and a smirk formed on his face. "Great, I'll meet you at your locker after school," he replied as the bell rung.

"I'll catch up with you later Andre," I told him, while closing my locker and preparing to leave.

"Ayo wait up. Don't I need your number?" He asked, pulling me back by my hand. My breath got caught up in my throat.

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