Why nerd?

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My legs hurt like crap right now...But I won't let that get in the way of this chapter!

Fell's P.O.V.

I was getting some eggnog, but then it was tasting kinda like alcohol. Meh whatever, eggnog is eggnog, it doesn't bother me. I looked over at the nerd AKA Sci for yo dumb asses.

He actually looks cute, heh. ....WAIT WHAT DID I JUST SAY...I can not be gay, ESPECIALLY NOT FOR AN ALTERNATE VERSION OF ME.

I would turn soft and weak! I'm supposed to be the badass person who doesn't give a fuck about anything...Why nerd? Why are ya doing this to me?

I tried to calm down and get a grip then I remembered how the eggnog tasted like alcohol. Knew it. Someone spiked the damn eggnog.

So I'm not gay! Yea..It's just the eggnog whisky thing...Right?

Ugh let's face it. I'm gay for the nerd! Oh Asgore he's coming over to me...

"Sup nerd?" I said to him. Well at least I'm acting pretty normal to other Sci.

"Oh nothing much. Also don't go near the eggnog, I tried it earlier..I think it's spiked.." he replied to me.

"Too late." I said

"Of course it is.. Heh..Have you ever been with someone before?" He asked me. Well that's a weird question.

"Uh no? Why are ya asking nerd?" I reply with.

"I uh..I w-well..I don't know.. Just a r-random question.." he replied back, stuttering, oh man..He is too cute for me to handle.

"Why ya stuttering?" I ask him.

"N-nevermind..I'm gonna g-go.." he said then ran off to another room.

Why does he have to be so cute? Welp anyway I heard someone else coming to the party and drum roll please... It's Reaper. Everyone knew he had a crush on Geno. And that's the reason why he came, I bet.

It is funny to watch them. But..Oh boy..Can Geno scream.. His scream is as loud as an elephant mixed with a train. My poor nonexistent ears.

Oh great Error and Fresh are here too. Woopie Doo...As long as they back from My Sci..Yea my Sci.

Le end of chapter

Welp that's the end of chapter 2. It's kinda shorter than the last chapter...Sorry about that..

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