Chapter 3

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   So. Guys. IM sorry for not updating. I was busy with stuff. But anyways, here's the update! Enjoy!!

(Calla P.O.V)


         Beep! Beep! Beeeep!

    Groan! I slowly sat up and dragged myself do the bathroom.

      Turning on the shower, I grabbed my Wildberry-Vanilla scented shampoo and jumped into the steamy, hot shower. I lathered my Strawberry-Rose body wash all over and washed up.

     Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped my towel around me and went to my Walk-in closet. And grabbed some dark blue jeans and a baby blue and white tee. To match my eyes and then changed into them. Then I grabbed my straightener and straightened my Light brown hair with hints of light blue in it. It's natural!

    I then grabbed my makeup and went into the bathroom. Grabbing my black eyeliner and putting it on, then my smoky eyeshadow, and then my chapstick. I don't wear too much makeup though. Just a little of makeup each.

    I then brushed my hair and watched as my hair became smooth and soft. Next, I grabbed a black leather jacket and went to Storm's room.

    Bang! Bang! Bang!

     I banged on his door and walked in. Only to see him up and listening to music off his dark blue iPhone. What a shocker!

    I couldn't believe it! He finally got up on his own! Unbelievable.. I zoned out.

    "Umm... Calla? You okay?"

    I came back to reality when he said that.

    "oh! Uh. Yeah IM alright." I smiled. "But.. You finally got up on your own.. Why?"

    "Umm... Could you keep a secret?" I nodded.

    "Of course I could! IM your twin!" I gave a smile. He just gave a small smile and leaned forward.

    "okay.. So. do you know Sienna Mist?"

    "The quiet girl in the popular group? The one who barely talks? Then yeah.."

    "Well... I think she's my mate..." He said, nervously. I gasped.


   (Storm P.O.V)

    "Well... I think she's my mate..." I said, nervously. Calla gasped. Was it okay to tell her?

   I was having second thoughts. When, Calla gave a small squel of excitement. "Oh my fucking God! I can't believe it! You found your ma-mmhmm!" I quickly covered her mouth with my hand.

    "Be quiet!" I whispered shouted at her.

   "You found your mate!" She whisper shouted. I just rolled my eyes and smiled. Nodding, I said,"yep."

    She squealed again. "I just can't believe it! Maybe I could finally find my mate!!" I squinted my eyes at her.

    "I ain't gonna let any boy I don't approve of meet you.. Got that?" She pouted but nodded.


    "Okay.. Now that that's over with... Let's go to school before we're late!" Calla shouted and grabbed her white and blue backpack. And I just grabbed her new light blue and dark blue iPhone and out it in my pocket. Then, I grabbed my backpack and jacket. I heard Calla run downstairs a few seconds ago so I jogged downstairs and into the kitchen.

    Only to see, Calla and.. I think Skye? Eating and laughing together. What the hell is he trying to do?! Get her to like him?? Not on my watch..

    I glared at him and then used my werewolf speed to get to him. Then, I grabbed him by his throat and pushed him against the wall.

    Growling, I said,"What are you trying to do to my sister?!"

   He just looked back at me in frustration and Scaredness. IM used to it though.

    When he didn't answer, I held his neck tighter.

    "Huh?! What are you trying to do?!"

    He finally came to and answered back. "Dude! I ain't trying to do anything! IM trying to be great friends with my new pack members! Calm down!"

    I was confused but I let him go but I kept my eye on him.

    "Umm... Sorry but who are you and what do you mean by trying to be great friends with your new pack members?"

    He bit his lip. "Well. IM Skye waterbird. And IM beta of the Starlight Pack."

    My eyes widened. Oh my fucking God... I never met the beta before... This is so cool...


     Thanks for reading my story! Until next time! See ya!!  ;D 
                          XoXo JayJay Bellz


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