Bieverlie Goes To School

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Chapter 1


  I wake up and see that it was 7:20a.m. I get off my bed so quick that I slipped and hit my head on the floor. I take my shower wash my hair, I get out and then get a phone call from my best friend Lala, so i answer it.


  "Bieverlie where are you I'm at the school waiting for you and Prodigy, Roc Royal, Princeton, And Ray Ray are going to be here soon".


  Just go to class with me ill be there soon.


"Are you sure".


Yeah go i don't want you to be late


Okay see you soon.

  I started to hurry up and get dressed I put on skinny jeans and a flowery spaghetti strapped shirt and took my moms extra car and drove to school so i don't have to be late and not see the Mindless Behavior. I reached to school and started walking so I don't be late until a hand hit me in my face making me fall on the ground. I looked up and then i see that it was Princeton, I got up and tried to run but then Roc pushed me and held me by my hands.


Your dressed pretty nice for a ugly bitch like you.


  I tried to scream but Roc was covered my mouth and told me if I scream that they will hurt me so I didn't. They started to kick me, punch me, and smacked me.


  Lets leave this bitch ass girl here to cry.


  I started to cry in pain and then just got up wiped my tairs and went to class, my teacher Mr.Translate asked where have I been why was I so late but I didn't answer I just went to my seat and sat down and he said so your not going to answer me and then out of no where Roc said she was probably fucking in the bathroom and Princeton said she is a real slut ass bitch and then everybody started to laugh but Lala just stared at me with a sorry face and started to cry, I ran out of the classroom and into the bathroom and cut myself until Shelly, Roc's girlfriend walked in with her friends and said awe look girls the slut ass bitch cut herself and then Shelly pushed me and then kicked me with her high heel shoes and left me there to cry.

  I got up and went back to the classroom and Mr.Translate asked if he can talk to me for a second and I said ok.


Did you have


No I would never do that I'm still a virgin Mr.Translate

OMG why did I just tell Mr.Translate that I'm still a virgin.


Okay Bieverlie no need to yell but are you okay they had no need to call you those names.


Yeah I'm okay I just needed time alone.

  So then we went back into the classroom till Lala came running and gave me a hug with tairs running down her face saying I'm so sorry I should of stood up for you but i didn't I'm so sorry Bieverlie I'm so sorry. Its okay Lala it doesn't matter any more I'm okay. No your not she yelled and then whispered into my ear and said i know you cut yourself in the bathroom Shelly told me, you said that you will stop, you promised that you will stop and its all my fault that you did what you did, I didn't stand up for you.


  I kept on telling her that it was my fault until she yelled at me saying Lala shut up it is not your fault at all that I did what i did to myself it is not your fault so stop blaming yourself please. We all know who's fault it is so stop blaming yourself.

I hope you folks likes this story and don't worry I'm making a chapter 2 so wait cuz its going to be crazy.

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