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Chapter 9

  So I wake up and its 6:30 "Holy Shit I'm Late For School" I get off my bed and ran to the shower washed my hair, got the show washed my teeth and got dressed I put on a short riped pants and a tang top that had a picture of minnie mouse and pink flats got into my red car and drove to school. As soon as I got school everybody was outside watching me and whispering say she so stupid to try and kill herself for attention so I screamed out and said "FUCK I DID NOT DO IT FOR FUCKIN ATTENTION DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT HURTS TO GET BULLIED NO CAUSE YOU DON'T EVER GET BULLIED CAUSE YOUR ALWAYS BULLING ME SO JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE " after that said I walked away and into my math class and Mr. Translate said well come back Bieverlie and Lala gave me a well come back gift.

  Everbody came into the class room looking deprest and Mr.Translate said light up everybody its a good day and everybody except Princeton,Ray Ray,Roc,Prodigy,Shelly and her girls stood up and faced me saying " BIEVERLIE CRUZELWE ARE ALL SO SORRY FOR ALL THE PRESSURE WE PUT ON YOU WE DID NOT MEAN TO AND WE HOPE YOU FORGIVE US" and I was just speechless and saidyeah I will forgive you but I won't forget but thank that meant a lot.

  I went to the bathroom to wash my face till I hurd the door close and I looked to my left and saw Shelly crying and she saw me and said what are you doing here get out, no you don't rule me and you never did, do you want to talk about it, No, okay, I never knew that i would get dumped on never, Roc dumped you well, no I was never dating Roc I was dating Princeton, why did he brake up with you, for cheating on him I never meant to, oh well I'm really sorry I really am.

  I went back to class and Mr. Translate said Bieverlie you just came back in time we were just talking about going on a field trip to Bahamas, are you serious, yeah all you need to do is do a car wash and make up 300 dollars and the boys sell water and make up 200 dollars a deal, a deal, good we're starting tomorrow make shower you have on a swim wear if you want a car.

  I went up to Shelly and asked her if she would like to work with me and Lala, sure but why are you being so nice to me, cause I'm different I'm a nice person, yeah you are and I'm so sorry for what I did to you, its okay just look nice okay, okay.


The Next Day

So I'm putting on a cute pink black bathing suit and a short black pants, I went to go pick up Shelly  and she had on a black one peace with purple shorts.


Hey Bieverlie like your bathing suit


Thank like yours also, you ready cause I have to get Lala


Yeah I'm ready lets go

  So we reach to Lala's house and she had on a black and yellow two peace and white shorts.


Hey guys lets go

  So we reached to the school and we saw Mr. Translate and he told all the girls to look sexy and I laughed. Me and Lala lost Shelly when her girls came and we need more water so I went to the pipe and filed up the bucket till I hurd someone say hey your looking sexy so I turn around and saw Princeton.


What do you want


Nothing just being nice


Since when do you want to be nice to me


I'm just being nice for today


Well thank


Do you need help


No thank

As soon as i got up I fell on Princeton and the bucket spilled on us


I'm so sorry


Its okay I like it


We were close to kissing but then Ray Ray came and Princeton pushed me off and said nothing happened, its okay i won't tell the others Ray Ray said and Bieverlie I'm really sorry for bulling you its okay.

Just wait for the next chapter and thank for reading.

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