"He was being so weird," I told everyone at Riley's house after school.
"What'd he do?" Alex asked.
"He came and unlocked me out of Ryder's basement. Then he was like mad at Ryder for doing so. I thought he hated me," I explained.
"Okay, on the totally off topic but still relevant news, what's up between you guys?" Riley asked referring about Alex and Abby, who were sitting next to each other.
"We've decided to date," Abby announced.
"Really! I'm so happy for you two," Katrina exclaimed.
"Hey Clove, do you have your eye on anyone special?" Riley questioned.
"Not really," I admitted.
"There's no one that's catching your eye?" Abby asked.
"Not really, all of the guys at our school are sexist potato sacks and don't actually care about girls feelings," I proclaimed. "But don't worry, not you two," I added motioning to Rocco and Alex.
"Someone's a feminist," Rocco exclaimed.
"Damn right I am," I shot back.
"Did you just... swear?" he asked shocked.
"Did I just... steal your phone?" I bitchily asked back while snatching his phone up and off of a small coffee table.
"Hey, give it back," he whined.
"Not until you become a feminist," I told him.
"Girls rule! They're better than boys!" he cheered with a weird voice.
"Zero out of ten, it doesn't pass. Well guys, see ya later," I said while bolting upstairs and outside to my motorcycle.
I sped down the road right as Rocco came outside, and he was holding something.
The keys to my house.
Crap. How am I supposed to get inside now?
I kept on riding home, eventually my parents will come home. I'll just hang out on my porch or something.

I was a few blocks away from my house when I saw Rocco's car in the mirror.
Great, just great.
I rode down my street to see Jax closing his garage. His garage that was half empty. I took a leap of fate.
"No, keep it open!" I shouted so that Jax could hear me over the roar of my engine.
He surprisingly opened it back up for me to come in. He then closed it right after I got in.
I had gotten off of my bike when Jax asked, "What do you need?"
"I need you to hide me for a few hours," I truthfully said.
"Why would I help you?" he asked mimicking the time I said that to him.
"I don't know. There are some moments you like me and want to protect me, and then there are times when you absolutely hate me. And right now, this should be a moment when you like me," I told him.
"Fine, I'll help you," he said with a smug look. "But you have to help me in return," he added while crossing his arms with a mischievous smile.
"With what?" I questioned while crossing my arms.
"You know that my motorcycle tire was stolen, and I got a new one. But the person who stole it is not going to get away with what they did. The problem is that I don't know who took it," he explained while leading me inside his house.
"Well what do you want me to do?" I asked hoping he really doesn't know that it was me who took it.
"Nobody at school trusts me-"
"Damn right they don't," I interrupted.
"As I was saying, I need you to find out who did it. You're new and if you hold back on the badass, people just might trust you," he explained to me.
"I'm not doing that. I'm not changing the way people see me for you," I argued.
"Really, cause right now Rocco is trying to break into your house," he said while pointing out a window towards my house.
"So what, you've broken into my house before," I reminded him.
"I can get him to go away," he offered.
"So can I," I replied.
"If I help you, will you help me?" he asked getting back on track.
I received a text from Alex.
A- I'll wait here all day- Rocco
I weighed my options for a second.
"Fine," I finally replied. "But I'm not changing myself," I added.
"Then you'll just have to help me with something bigger," he mysteriously said.

Jax invited over Ashton, Ryder and Blake. If you were here with me now, you'd go to hell just to get on a vacation. It's that bad.
"Hey Clover, what do you think?" Ryder asked me about his shirt.
"Don't call me Clover," I coldly told him while peering out the window to see if Rocco and Alex have left.
"Hey garlic clove, what do you think?" he asked again.
"I'm not responding to you," I replied.
"Hey Clove of the Seasons-"
"Stop it with the nicknames. Your shirt would look hot on Jax, just not you," I truthfully answered.
"Aww, you think I look hot," Jax remarked.
"No, I think the shirt would look good on you. There's a difference," I told him.
"I think she likes you," Blake admitted.
"I don't like him, I just needed a place to hide. Sure, it's just Rocco's phone and all, but I don't give up," I explained.
"Wait, you never told us that you had his phone," Ryder exclaimed.
"Does it matter what I have of his?" I questioned.
"Yeah, cause now we can go through his phone," Ryder explained.
"No, he's my friend. I'm not letting you do that," I argued.
"If you don't, we'll tell Rocco that you're in here," Ashton added on to the conversation.
"If you tell Rocco that I'm in here, I won't help Jax with whatever he needs help with," I argued right back.
"But this is my house, I can kick you out anyways," Jax pointed out.
"Then I'll back away from our deal, if you do that," I said to him.
"Fine," Ryder sighed in defeat.

A few hours had passed and Rocco still hadn't left. It's a Monday night and it's almost ten. He still has his homework to do too. And what about his parents? Come on, even Ryder, Ashton and Blake had left.
"When are you gonna leave?" Jax asked.
"When Rocco leaves," I replied.
"Well, my parents are gonna be home soon and unless you wanna pretend to be a girl I brought home, I'd leave," he said.
"No thanks, and hey, what about that little sister you mentioned before?" I questioned while remembering the night that they tried to steal my keys.
"Oh, that was a lie," he admitted.
"It is too bad you're not Pinocchio, so that whenever you lie I could tell," I said aloud.
"Thanks," he sarcastically started. "Now come on," he finished while motioning for me to come upstairs.
"Why would I follow you upstairs? You could be an axe murderer," I pointed out.
"Hey, I didn't invite you here. You showed up," he refuted. "And unless you want to go out and confront Rocco, I'd suggest you come upstairs."
"Fine, just let me text my mom saying that I have to finish a project with Riley and that I'd be sleeping over because we waited until the last minute," I replied while getting up and walking upstairs with him.
When I entered his room, it looked different than I had imagined. I thought he would've had leather jackets and hair gel lying around with pictures of naked girls on motorcycles. But he has wood carving tools and the occasional magazine.
"You're a wood carver?" I asked surprised.
"I've dabbled in the interest," he replied.
"You haven't just dabbled, you have a full blown out passion. I mean, come on, you have a timber scribe. How the heck did you find this?" I asked in disbelief that Jax carves wood.
I looked at a few of them and they're so ornate. The detail is incredible.
"This must've taken hours," I thought out loud while looking at one of his pieces.
"Don't tell anyone about this," he softly commanded.
"Why? You're so talented, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but people would pay for these. They're so beautiful," I admitted while tracing my fingers over the dark oak carving.
"I'm the bad boy, that's why. I get into fights and play with girls feelings. I'm not supposed to be like this," he confessed while facing away from me.
"You're giving up this amazing gift for a stupid reputation?" I asked not believing what I just heard.
"Yes, now just leave it alone. You don't know me," he coldly replied.
"You're right, I don't know you. Because I thought that if you had a hidden talent, you would share it with the world," I said while picking up my bag and rushing downstairs.
"Hey, where are you going?" he yelled down the stairs at me.
"I'm going home. Thanks for letting me stay here," I replied while heading out his front door and into the humid air.
I headed outside and to my luck, Rocco had left. I walked across the street leaving my bike at Jax's house and found a note on my front doors along with my keys.
Here are your keys. You better give me my phone back or I just spent hours waiting in a car for nothing - Rocco
I unlocked my front door and strolled inside.
"Oh hey honey. What're you doing home?" my mom asked while sipping a cup of tea.
"We finished earlier than we thought and I decided to come home," I said lying to her.
"Well, go to sleep so you're not that tired in the morning," my mom suggested/ commanded.
"Love you mom," I replied while slumping up the stairs.
"Love you too," she said back.

Dared to Mess with the Bad BoyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant