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I walked into through the school doors to see a group of boys huddled around my locker. To my surprise, it wasn't Jax and his posse. It was the football jocks. The stereotypical football players that you would see in movies. Some nice, some mean, but they all play football. They're not my type though, I prefer hockey players.
"Clove Rathman, will you-" a kid named Dylan started to say before he was cut off by Ryder.
"Hey Clove," Ryder said while slinging an arm around me.
"Um, hi," I replied with a very confused look on my face. "What're you doing here? Without Jax or Blake or Ashton?" I added on while taking his arm off of me.
"I just came to see what you wanna do on our next date," he answered with sort of a sassy tone.
"Whoa, back up. We've never gone on a date, neither shall we ever, so do you want to tell me why you actually just said that?" I bitchily asked.
"Come on, we don't have to hide our relationship anymore. We're dating, and it's great," he lied while plastering the fakest smile on his face and glaring at the others.
What the hell is he doing?
"No we're not, go away. I don't like you!" I shouted in his face.
"Leave her alone," this tall guy named Shawn demanded while stepping towards him.
Why are these guys standing over here? I've never talked to most of them.
"Nope, it's okay. I don't need anyone to fight my battles. Leave Ryder," I commanded in such a threatening way, I scared myself.
Defeated, he walked away, but not before muttering profanities under his breath. Classic Ryder.
"So, what do you need?" I asked Dylan referring to what he was asking me before.
"Clove Rathman, will you go to homecoming with me?" he asked with the cutest smolder on his face.
I swear we've only talked exclusively in English, but he's drop dead gorgeous. How could I have said no?
"Yes," I replied with a huge smile on my face.
I'm not gonna lie, he's nice. I don't know if I'd ever approach him about dating before this, but I'll go with him.
"I gotta get to class, but I'll see ya later," he stated.
"Yeah, cool. See ya," I replied while shutting my locker and strutting off.
I dashed in the math room and sat down next to Abby.
"Slut," I heard someone murmur in the back of the classroom.
I turned my head around to see a girl getting slut shamed by some jerk named Jackson.
"Come on babe, I didn't mean it," Jackson pleaded to her.
"I don't want to hear it. We're over," the girl replied.
"Whatever, I only dated you for the-"
"Okay," I said while standing up. "You're the biggest jerk at our school and have no right to call her that. Do you even know what it feels like to be a high school girl? No, you don't. You think you that calling a girl a slut or a bitch or a hoe isn't bad, well guess what, it is. You'll never know what she's thinking and telling her to kill herself or to go die in a hole is just awful. You have to stop doing that to girls!" I yelled in his face.
"Well what're you gonna do about it?" he questioned while crossing his arms.
"I don't have to do anything, with that attitude of yours, you'll never find another girl. You're lucky she took pity on you in the first place," I sassed while taking my seat again.
"You're just jealous. You wish you were cool," he muttered.
"And you know what you are? You're just like split ends, once girls notice you, they cut you off," I shot back.
"She just got you good," someone uttered before the bell rang.

"So, homecoming is coming up soon, and the principle is requiring every first hour teacher to play your favorite movie," she sarcastically announced.
They all groaned.
"What's going on?" I whispered to Abby.
"For the few of you that don't know, the school requires us to watch a relationship safety video. Ya know, no means no and all of that stuff," our teacher explained probably having heard what I asked Abby.
"On a scale of a bad hair cut to committing murder, how bad is this?" I whispered over to Abby.
"It's so bad. It's cringy yet boring at the same time," she replied back.
"Great," I sarcastically said while preparing myself for the next hour cringe.
I grabbed my lunch and was walking over to my table when Dylan motioned me over to sit with him. I looked back at Katrina and mouthed, 'I'll explain this later' and headed towards Dylan.
"What's up?" he asked while opening up his water.
"Nothing much," I replied.
We both continued eating lunch until we had to go to class.
"He asked you to homecoming?" Riley asked while we all sat in her basement eating Doritos.
"Yes, and-" I tried to say before I was cut off.
"Did you say yes?" Riley asked on the edge of her seat.
"Yes, we're going to homecoming together," I replied while grabbing a handful of Doritos.
"I'm gonna be the last one in our group to get a date," Riley glumly said aloud.
"Girl, don't say that. You're beautiful and any guy would be lucky to go with you," Katrina chirped in.
"I'm not trying to belittle myself, but Alex and Abby are probably going together. Clove now has a date and you and Rocco have your weird thing," Riley explained. "Whoops, I shouldn't have said that last part," she added before covering up her mouth.
"We don't have a thing," Katrina exclaimed.
"You're right, you don't, but you guys have a serious connection," I helped Riley explain.
"Yeah, and you guys have been friends for like forever," Riley added to the conversation.
It was silent for a moment. An awkward silence to be precise.
"I gotta go," Rocco suddenly told us. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, and, yeah," he stumbled.
What's up with him?
After Rocco had left, Alex broke the silence and asked, "What did you guys get on the history test?"
"I got a B," Katrina and Riley simultaneously said.
"I got a B+, beat that," Alex told us.
"I got an A," Abby sassily answered.
We chuckled a bit.
"You walked straight into that one," I told Alex.
"Well what did you get Clove?" he snapped at me.
"I got a C-," I quietly admitted.
"What was that?" Alex asked like he didn't hear the first time.
"Be nice," Abby commanded while playfully hitting him on the shoulder.
I suddenly received a text from my mom saying to head home.
"I'm gonna get going, my mom needs me," I told the group.
"Nice lie, what're you gonna say next?" Alex said like I was lying.
"Okay tumbleweed, you wanna see the text?" I questioned getting angry at him.
"No nicknames again," he replied while I whipped out my phone and showed it to him.
"Okay cowboy," I said while walking upstairs.
I was in the downtown area of the city that's between Riley's house and mine, when I saw a fight breaking out in an alleyway.
Intrigued, I pulled over and hid behind a dumpster. I pulled out my phone and started recording. I snuck some looks at the people and saw four recognisable faces.
All of a sudden, Jax punched one of the other guys down to the ground.
Holy Christmas, he just knocked a guy out, I thought while stepping back. But unfortunately, while I stepped back, I knocked over a pile of cardboard boxes. That then knocked over a different pile of trash. That then knocked over a pile scrap metal, which made a lot of noise.
They all looked over at me.
Now I can't see myself, but they probably saw all of the color drain from my face and my knees becoming shaky.
I may be a badass, but this was one hell of a fight, that I did not want to get into.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" some strange guy that I've never seen in my life said.
"Uh, this isn't my house," I quickly said trying to get away as fast as I could. "Well, see ya later," I exclaimed while bolting off.
"She was recording us!" someone yelled while I hopped on my bike.
I swear, I've never tried to start up my bike faster. Even all the times I've had to get away from Jax or stealing Rocco's phone that one time.
But all of a sudden, I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder.
"Don't run away too fast," the guy commanded.

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