16-Night-shadows Aren't Car Proof

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When I get to my room, Leila and KC are waiting for me.

"Sit, girl's night," KC says, patting the bed. I just go along with it, sitting on the bed and grabbing a pillow.

"Um, why?" I ask.

"No reason, we just haven't really got to know each other yet," KC smiles.

"So, what should we gossip about?" Leila grins.

"Well, have either of you heard of any interesting relationships forming as of recent?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows at Leila.

"Oh, yeah! You and Gray are so cute!" KC beams.

"Woah, how do you know that? I was talking about Leila and Nox making out!" I cry.

"Wait, what?" Leila asks, looking between the two of us.

"Okay, KC, start with how you know about Gray and I," I say.

"Okay, I was sitting in the corner of the lobby a little while ago, and then you guys come in from outside, all soaking wet and laughing, and holding hands," KC tells me.

"I didn't even see you! Okay, but I was originally talking about how when me and Gray were walking upstairs, we caught Leila and Nox kissing, but they didn't see us," I say.

Leila sighs with a smile. "Nox and I were just hanging out in my room, and I wanted to go get some snacks. He came with me to keep me company, and one thing led to another..." Leila trails off.

KC and I grin at each other.

"Finally! Since the first day I got here, I wanted you guys to be together. One of the first things I said to Nox was asking him if you guys were dating!" I squeal, excited for Leila.

"Okay, your turn. What happened with Gray?" Leila says to me.

"Okay, so we were talking in the lobby after coming inside from the rain, and I was having a good time getting to know him. After supper, everyone went back to their rooms, but later he knocked on my door. He lead me up to the roof, because he remembered that I told him I like to look at stars. It was really beautiful, he froze the rain in the sky. We were just talking at first, but next thing I know, he leans towards me, and then suddenly we were kissing. After, he unfroze the rain, on purpose, so we had to come inside obviously. Then, we saw you and Nox, and then I went back to my room and you guys were here! All caught up now?" I say.

"Aw, you guys seem really cute together from what I saw," KC says to me.

I smile.

"KC, you don't really have anyone your age. That's kinda sucky," Leila says.

"Yeah, I mean, I've got you guys," She replies, not bothered.

"No, I mean, like, in the romance department. We've got Gray and Nox, but you don't really have anyone. Doesn't that bother you?" Leila asks her.

"Oh, um...I'm a lesbian," KC says awkwardly.

Oh. Did not expect that.

"Moving on, we should probably get to bed. It's pretty late," KC says, getting up to leave.

They both head back to their rooms. I get ready for bed, falling quickly asleep.

I wake up with a silly grin on my face, remembering Gray and I the night before. In a good mood, I get ready quickly, then knock on Leila's door.

"Hey, so what's the plan for today?" I ask her, shifting my crossbow around in my arms.

"We need to figure out when, what, and how we're supposed to get into the building. With KC's help, we know the when. Nighttime. But, there's still lots of unanswered questions," She explains to me.

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