A$AP part 1

977 40 15

Kenya's POV

Me- I can't wait to see the ASAP Mob

Jenny- yesss girl but Rocky is all mine you already have Kendrick...

when she said that I felt my face burning and its good that I'm brown skin cause she would've known I was blushing she smirked

Jenny- awwww girl I seen you blush I can't wait to meet him...,when am I gonna meet him

Me- mane I don't know and a nigga wasn't blushing...something just happened to my face when you said that

Jenny- what?? Kendrick

I did it again omg whenever I hear his name I just can't help it ugh

Me- shut up cuhh

we laughed, we are currently getting our nails done, we just left the hair salon and before that the mall.

Jenny- anyways what are you gonna wear

Me- i don't know

Jenny- well Payton told me what you pulled wearing a fucking hoodie and jeans to Kendrick's concert...

Me- well he still noticed me so it doesn't matter

Jenny- well it matters today cause if you wanna get Rocky's attention then you gonna need to dress the part

Me- I thought you wanted Rocky... and what happened to "Rocky is all mine and you already have Kendrick"

I said laughing trying my best to imitate her she laughed too

Jenny- Nahh cuhh I changed my mind mane I want Nast his cuddo

I laughed she's so dumb and our nails are finally done

Jenny- buhh forreal doe I wanna dress you

Me- I don't know

Jenny- please

Me- fine but if you make me look slutty I will burn the clothes along with you

she shrugged me off and laughed as we hopped in my orange hummer

when we arrived at my house we grabbed our bags full of clothes and she looked for me something to wear she finally came out once I finished showering and she dressed me in a tan bra looking top, some teal tan and peach short shorts, and some peach vans then she put light make up on me and pink lipstick, she showered and dressed in the same exact thing except she put on some teal vans and we were cute our hair was even the same we bleached our hair and had the hairstyle Nicki Minaj had in the highschool video..I think Jenny rocked the style better than me though since she was slightly lighter than me.

Jenny- oh shit bubbles its 7:30

we grabbed our phones and jogged to my car and I drove to the concert as she checked and made sure we had our passes and tickets. we pulled up just in time 7:45 now we just have to get in there before they start preforming at eight we got in and got these perfect seats in the front row cause these two niggas didn't want to sit next to eacxhother haha their so childish. A big smile came across my face when the mob walked on stage and started preforming

Rocky- blow kisses by my earlobe a weirdo but I'm rare tho

he winked at me and I almost died. me and Jenny held hands and sang along this was fun when the concert ended me and Jenny went backstage to Rocky's dressing room he was with Nast and Ferg. they all smiled when they spotted us

Nast- damnnnnnnn

we laughed

Jenny- hi I'm Jenny

Me- and I'm Kenya

Rocky- wassup ma's

I giggled

Ferg ended up leaving the room so it was just the four of us me and Jenny sat next to each other and Nast very close to her and Rocky on the other hand sat across from us eyeing me down which made me blush a couple of times knowing that he was staring. we talked for about 30 minutes when I got a call from Kendrick

Me- excuse me y'all..., hello

Kendrick- heyy

Me- heyy boo wassup

Kendrick- nothing much...hows your girls day going

Me- good actually but where are you there's a lot of background noise

I heard him chuckle a little on the phone "I decided to visit the mob so I'm at their concert"

I almost dropped the phone

Me- oh okqy .... you know what I'll talk to you later

Kendrick- okay bye beautiful

I giggled

Me- bye boo

I hung up the phone and looked at Jenny

Jenny- who was that

I quited my voice

Me- Kendrick... we gotta go

Jenny- noooo why

Me- he's here

she jumped up when I said that and we tried to leave but as soon as we were about to walk out I heard Kendricks voice on the other side of the door and I froze then I backed away slowly as I seen the door opening

Kendrick- Wassu...... Kenya??

i smiled slightly even though I was scared of what would happen being in his presence always makes Me happy

Me- heyy

he smiled and wrapped his arms around me as I wrapped mine around his neck I felt his warm breath on my neck as he whispered in my ear

Kendrick- why didn't you tell me you were here

I whispered I don't know and and he kissed me and at first I felt awkward do this in front of Rocky but then I kissed back after realizing who I was really "with"

Jenny- uh ohh bubbles

I giggled when we pulled away and I looked at Rocky who had that wtf look on his face but I shrugged it off

and sat back down, Jenny and Nast sat next to eacpther and I was next to her with Kendrick next to me and Rocky sitting across from us we talked a little and he got some hoe in here now I guess cause he got lonely or watever and I gave him this look like really?!! but then i remembered I'm with Kendrick, funny how I always forget haha, so I got comfortable under his arm folded up in the couch cuddled up on Kendrick

I am enjoying this even though I wish I had a little more alone time with Rocky


last chap was sucky but I think I made up in this chap tell me how ya feeling

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@aye.dread and comment a ❤️ on my first picture so that I'll know your one of my readers and Fb.

ohh and sorry for mistakes this is unedited

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