Since The Day I Met You (Dallas Winston love story)

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Chapter 1:

•Halie Curtis•

It's not easy being the only girl in the gang, and let alone the sister of the Curtis'. Darry is 20, Sodapop is 17, I'm 16, and Ponyboy is 14. I love being with the gang. It's like they all are my brothers. But there's one person who i feel like is more than just a brother and a friend, Dallas Winston.

Even though I have known him since he moved from New York, I knew I liked him more than a brother. I've never told anyone, even Ponyboy, I tell him everything! Growing up with boys pays off, because hiding your feelings is easy.

I was off to the DX station.

"Hey Halie wait up!" yelled Dally.

"Yea Dal" I said.

"You know you can't leave your best friend like that right?" he said with his famous smirk.

"Who the hell said you were my best friend?" I asked while pushing him playfully.

" I did " he said while pointing to himself proudly.

" Ugh no, I hate you" I smirked

" Love you to Halie" he said.

I just looked at him as he lit up a cig and smiled at him.

" Halie it's not nice to stare" he pushed a little.

"I was not staring I was observing" I smirked.

"Sure whatever you wanna call it" Dally said.

As we made our way to the DX station there was complete silence between me and Dally.

"So Dally, um, how's everything going?"

"Everything's fine I guess" he said with his crooked smile that I love.

"Hey Hale, hey Dal" yelled Sodapop.

"Hi Soda" I replied.

"So whatcha doin here?" asked Steve.

"We'll I needed to grab some milk for Darry" I answered.

Dally just stood there smiling like a goof.

Anyways, we paid for the milk and headed back to my house.

"Hey Dal" said Ponyboy.

"What's up kid?" Dally said while playfully pushing Pony. As Dally and Ponyboy were now arguing over Dally calling Pony a kid, I went to the kitchen to give Darry the milk.

"Hey baby girl" Darry said.

"Can I tell you something Darry?" I asked.

"Sure baby, what's up?" He replied. "On our way to the DX, Dally and I kinda flirted between each other".

Darry looked surprised at first then just smiled at me.

"What?" I asked confused on what just happened.

"Oh nothing. It's just that someone's in love" Darry said.

"Who said I was in love?!" I rushed.

At this moment Dally walked into the kitchen.

"Who's in love?" asked Dally.

I replied, "Umm, I'm in love with this fork, yeah this fork".

'I'm so stupid' I thought to myself.

"Well I think someone went crazy" Dally stated.

I punched him playfully as Soda and Johnny walked in. Darry finished making dinner and setting the table.

We all sat down to eat. I sat across from Ponyboy, while Dally sat next to me.

"So Ponyboy who won the argument?" I asked playfully looking at Dally and smiling. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Soda eye balling me weirdly.

Before Pony could answer my question, Soda butted in.

"I think Halie's in love with someone!" he yelled.

" No I'm not" I yelled back.

I was trying to deny it while a smile was playing on my face.

Dally just sat there. I couldn't think of anything to say so I stormed off into my room. All I could think about was how Dally would react if he knew I liked him.

A knock on my door intercepted my thoughts...


A/n: this is my first story. I'm so bad at writing u have no idea. Well I hope you enjoy my Dallas Winston story

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