🎫 Change of Plans 🎫

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//Enoch's POV\\

Me and Olive raced each other. Sadly it was a tie. "Woah calm down!" Miss Peregrine exclaimed. We stopped before we crashed into her. "I never seen you in such a rush to go to the beach!" Miss Peregrine said. "The beach???????" Olive asked. "Oh yeah sorry, we have a change of plans, instead of our daily walk, today we are going to the beach instead," Miss Peregrine explained.

"So go get your swimming gear, and we'll meet you at the beach," Miss Peregrine said as she led the children outside. "Okay Miss Peregrine," I said. "I don't really have anything beach like!" I told Olive. Olive just giggled. "What's so funny?" I asked. "You can just use a pair of shorts and a tank top," Olive suggested. "Oh," I said. "My dad used to do that," Olive explained. She grabbed her swimming gear and she waited for me to do the same.

When we grabbed all our stuff and put on our swimming suits, we left the house, and started heading to the beach. By the time me and Olive arrived at the beach. Some people were already in the water, and some were making sand castles. Miss Peregrine laid out a beach towel and was relaxing on it. Claire, Hugh, Fiona, and Horace were in the water.

Bronwyn, Millard, and The Twins were making sand castles. "Glad for you guys to join us," Miss Peregrine said. "Olive! Please come in!" Claire cried. Olive gave me a smile then ran over to Claire. "Enoch! can you help me!?" Little Bronwyn asked. I walked over and sat down next to her and started helping her build a sand castle. I watched as Olive played with Claire.

"Enoch can I ask you something?" Bronwyn asked real quietly. "Sure Bronwyn! What about?" I asked. "Do you think Olive is pretty?" Bronwyn asked me. "I don't know," I replied. "What do you mean? You don't know?" Bronwyn asked. "I mean, I think she's pretty! I love how her red curly hair blows in the wind," Bronwyn explained.

"I love her sweet voice, when she sings!" Bronwyn exclaimed. "She's passionate about everything she does," I told Bronwyn. "She cares for those she loves," I added. A smile started spreading on Bronwyn's face. "She has a wonderful peculiarity, even though she doesn't think so," Bronwyn said. "Yes, and if that ain't true beauty then I don't know what is!" I exclaimed.

"Right, Well did you know that Olive is turning 16 tomorrow?" Bronwyn asked me. "No.........I didn't.........Now I feel bad," I told Bronwyn. "No worries we're going to throw a Surprise Birthday Party for her," Bronwyn said. "Really?" I asked. "Yes, in fact if you talk to Miss Peregrine she might let you go into town to buy Olive something," Bronwyn suggested.

"Oh Okay," I said. Bronwyn grabbed her pail and stood up. "I'm going to go get some water," she said. She pointed at Miss Peregrine. "Now's your chance to ask her, Emma's back," Bronwyn told me. I nodded my head before I stood up and walked over to Miss Peregrine.

"Miss Peregrine?" I asked. "Yes, Can I help you Enoch?" She replied. "Can I go into town to get something for Olive's Birthday?" I asked. "Oh Enoch! Of course you can!" Miss Peregrine exclaimed. "Hurry up though, before Olive notices you're gone too," Miss Peregrine said. "Okay," I said. I rushed down to the store. Inside were a bunch of things that peculiars would like. I had enough money to buy her 3 things.

I noticed that one of her gloves had a hole in it. So I got her a new pair of black leather gloves. I wanted to get her more stuff but I didn't have enough money because I bought fire pattern wrapping paper and an orange jewelry box. I put everything in a brown bag and hurried back to the beach. I gave my stuff to Miss Peregrine who took bird form and delivered them to the house. "There, safe and sound," Miss Peregrine said as she took human form again.

"We'll go home after everyone buys something for Olive, we can't have a surprise party without gifts," Miss Peregrine said. "Okay, I'll spread the word quietly," I said. I told everyone except Olive, about the party and that everyone needs to buy Olive stuff for her birthday. When everyone bought Olive something and gave it to Miss Peregrine (Who delivered it safe and sound to the house). We left the beach and went home.

That's it for this chapter! Don't forget to comment if I should update! And Don't forget to vote! Love You Guys!


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